UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga continues to strengthen the implementation of Independent Campus: Freedom of Learning program launched by Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud) Nadiem Makarim with various steps. UNAIR signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with University of Surabaya (Ubaya), Ten November Institute of Technology (ITS), and Brawijaya University (UB) on Friday, November 20, 2020.
The MoU signing ceremony initiated by Ubaya was called “November 20 Meeting towards Independent, Creative, and Competitive Learners”. Attending at the online ceremony were UBAYA’s Rector and leadership and Ir. Benny Lianto, MMBAT .; UNAIR Rector Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih, SE., MT., Ak .; Head of ITS Partnerships Sub-Directorate Dr. Ir. Arman Hakim Nasution, M.Eng .; as well as the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. drh. Aulanni’am, DES.
Ir. Benny in his remarks said that the cooperation between universities has actually been established for a long time. The signing ceremony can strengthen and expand the cooperation, especially related to the implementation of independent campus curriculum: freedom of learning between campuses.
“For example, giving UNAIR students the opportunity to come (study, ed) to Ubaya. On the other hand, Ubaya students come to UNAIR. Including the ITS campus, to UB. Likewise, ITS and UB students go to Ubaya, “he said.

The signing, continued Ir. Benny, is expected to be followed up by every university. In fact, it is expected to reach the faculty level. Furthermore, it will continue to PKS (Cooperation Agreement) stage for a long or continuous period of time.
“So it makes our brotherhood stronger, to collaborate more broadly in terms of Tri Dharma of higher education, “he said.
Meanwhile, Prof. Nasih highly appreciates Ubaya’s initiation related to strengthening the implementation of Independent Campus: Freedom of Learning. In his presentation, he considered that the MoU was a good opportunity all parties should take advantage of.
“Independent Campus requires high mobility between campuses, including industry. Of course, it will take greater roles in shaping the competencies and skills of our students, “he said.
According to Prof. Nasih, it is not enough for universities to rely solely on their own resources as every campus has its shortcomings and weaknesses. On the other hand, each campus also has its own merits.
“Covering each other’s weaknesses and giving each other advantages are good things for us to realize in an independent campus,” he said.
Prof. Nasih gave an example of cooperations that could be carried out in the future such as joint research and joint publications. Meanwhile for students, this cooperation can be related to internship activities, community service program, and soft skill development. Universities can also exchange different students simultaneously.
“UNAIR cannot work optimally without collaborating with alumni, networks and other parties. We must support, help, and work together. We can create an outstanding generation and advance together, “he concluded. (*)
Author: Feri Fenoria