Self efficacy on motivation and entrepreneurial achievements

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In starting and running entrepreneurship, students need several aspects that affect their business achievement, including self-efficacy and motivation. Several factors influence entrepreneurial success to anticipate failure of entrepreneurs in running a business. If an entrepreneur runs his business with optimism and self-confidence, he will achieve success in entrepreneurship. One of the traits that can influence a person’s beliefs is self-efficacy because someone will feel confident in their knowledge and skills to generate ideas and implement those ideas in the workplace.  Self-efficacy is a belief in a person about his chances of successfully achieving a particular task, with firm belief and motivation that will affect entrepreneurial achievement. In entrepreneurship, it also requires encouragement, morale, interest and high motivation in someone to want to achieve the success of the business.

In this study, students in Universitas Airlangga has high levels of Self Efficacy, Motivation, and Entrepreneurial Achievement. Thus, these variables can influence each other in creating or improving Entrepreneurial Achievement. Entrepreneurial Achievements are what have been achieved by students of Universitas Airlangga who are entrepreneurial in running their business.

According to Hsu et al., (2019), individuals who have self-efficacy will believe that they can successfully start entrepreneurship and will have the intention to do so. Inculcating the nature of purpose for an entrepreneur needs to be implemented because it leads to startup decisions and actual actions that cannot happen overnight, so they must first have the intention to start entrepreneurship. The entrepreneurial intention must be the right outcome for the study of entrepreneurship, which leads to the behaviour of creating an entrepreneur (Hsu et al., 2019).

Self-efficacy focus on an individual’s ability to perform specific tasks well. In other words, individuals who show a lack of confidence in their skills and who actively avoid challenging activities are considered to have low self-efficacy and information, and vice versa (Amit-Aharon, Melnikov, & Warshawski, 2020). Thus, entrepreneurs need to have self-efficacy in themselves to build motivation that can affect their behaviour. Motivation is fundamental for an outcome to be achieved. High motivation leads to curiosity, high quality, persistence in managing things, and better performance (Amit-Aharon et al., 2020). This ability/quality is also vital for the development of skills for an entrepreneur in running a business.

The original motive led to entrepreneurial action that went beyond being able to survive the business. This contributes to an understanding of how much motivation is entrepreneurial, which accounts for the difference in new business performance (Debrulle et al., 2020). According to (Debrulle et al., 2020) defines entrepreneurial motivation as an encouragement to be involved in the creation and development of new businesses because of the material results that can be given, especially financial rewards. Meanwhile, entrepreneurial motivation can also be related to the urge to comply with the task of creating and developing a company because it can be done in a fun way. Due to the vital role entrepreneurs play in business, their motivations and ambitions can influence the company through the articulation of strategy, allocation of resources and overall management of responsibility (Debrulle et al., 2020). Thus, entrepreneurs who want to achieve their entrepreneurial goals appropriately can be more motivated and assumed to be more oriented towards business continuity for long-term company results.

The study, entitled “The Effect of Self Efficacy on Entrepreneurial Motivation and Achievement in Entrepreneurial Airlangga University Students” has concluded that Self-efficacy cannot significantly influence entrepreneurial achievement but can substantially affect the motivation of an entrepreneur. Thus, the motivation variable does not directly control this study in influencing the influence of the self-efficacy variable on the entrepreneurial achievement variable. The motivation variable has a role as full mediation. Supported by research from Hsu, Burmeister-Lamp, Simmons, Foo, Hong, & Pipes (2019) regarding the importance of individual attributes such as self-efficacy. The entrepreneur will achieve the closer the suitability of a person’s personality, the more likely or large entrepreneurial success.

The results of this study can be used as recommendations by the management of the company regarding the effect of self-efficacy and motivation on the entrepreneurial achievement of students at Universitas Airlangga.

Author: Prof. Dr. Anis Eliyana, SE, M.Si.



(Linking Self Efficacy on Motivation and Entrepreneurial Achievements)

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