UNAIR Lecturer team holds dissemination on disaster mitigation in Malang

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Department of Forensic Odontology holds disaster mitigation training to high school teachers in Malang Regency.

UNAIR NEWS –The Chief Executive of the Community Service Program in Pujiharjo Village and representative of the Department of Forensic Odontology, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Prof. Dr. Mieke Sylvia Margaretha, drg., MS., Sp.OF(K) implemented a community service program in October 2020 that collaborated with the Christian Education Board Foundation (YBPK) Pujiharjo High School, Pujiharjo Village, Tirtoyudo Sub-district, Malang Regency.

Pujiharjo Village, Tirtoyudo Sub-district, Malang Regency is one of the areas prone to landslides in Indonesia. It is located in the southern part of Malang Regency, so it requires extra effort to reach the location in the event of a natural disaster. The evacuation process of victims who died due to natural disasters is a problem so far. It required funds, facilities, and infrastructure, and professionals from various disciplines.

Teachers play a crucial role in delivering knowledge to the younger generation of Indonesia. Therefore, every teacher has to understand the knowledge about disasters and know the basic knowledge about personal identification data.

In this case, high school students, the representative of the young generation in Indonesia, are pillars in developing Indonesia and play an essential role in overcoming the ongoing disaster. To maximize these roles, the representatives from the community service team of the Department of Forensic Odontology tried to provide dissemination, disaster mitigation training of filling out personal identification records to high school teachers of the Pujiharjo Christian Education Agency (YBPK) Foundation, Pujiharjo Village, Tirtoyudo Sub-district, Malang Regency. The knowledge gained by high school teachers from this activity is expected conveyed to students and subsequently to their families and communities around their homes.

The enthusiasm of the teachers could be seen from the many questions and positive responses submitted. Furthermore, as a form of readiness for personal and family data, the Personal Identification Record book, “Record Personal Identification”, was distributed to participants.

Prof. Dr. Mieke Sylvia Margaretha, drg., MS., Sp.OF(K), (fourth from the left) with teachers of SMA YBPK Pujiharjo (Photo: Personal documentation)

Teachers were also given the book for their students, hoping that students will fill out the Personal Identification Record book based on the guidance of the teachers. There are two books of personal identification records which were distributed to each individual. One book can be used as personal data stored by participants, and one book serves as an archive that is collected at the Department of Forensic Odontology.

Participants has to fill in their personal and family data, make fingerprints correctly, and fill out a simple monogram to complete the Personal Identification Record book, especially in the dental care data and odontogram sections. Participants were also taught to check the condition of their teeth and record them in the Personal Identification Record book using a simple code.

After this activity, another community service program was planned for the Pujiharjo Christian Education Agency (YBPK) Foundation students to see feedback on the activities carried out. Seeing the enthusiasm of the activity participants, hopefully, this kind of activity can last and be sustainable so that the knowledge can be updated.

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh

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