Faculty of Science and Technology holds international conference to face the New Normal

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The International Conference on Science and Technology Towards a New Normal Era 2020 (ICOSTONE 2020) on Tuesday, October 20, 2020 held virtually through Zoom and YouTube. (Photo: Personal Doc.)

UNAIR NEWS – In facing the new normal era, many government agencies and education institutions have made preparation. The preparation is needed not only in tackling the Covid-19 pandemic but also aspects of life that are affected.

In this regard, Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) held an International Conference on Science and Technology Towards a New Normal Era 2020 (ICOSTONE 2020) on Tuesday and Wednesday, October 20-21, 2020. The conference, which was held virtually through Zoom and YouTube, was attended by 250 participants from several countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippines, Nigeria, Ethiopia, India, Myanmar and Bangladesh.

Dr. Nurina Fitriani, Head of the Committee said that ICOSTONE 2020 was the first conference held by FST. The holding of ICOSTONE 2020 aims to convey, discuss, and exchange ideas between researchers, students, government officials, and practitioners of industry who have different multidisciplinary knowledge, especially in facing the new normal era.

The conference also invited some keynote speakers who had various ideas about the latest trends in the fields of fundamental science, applied science, business and management. The discussions were divided into two days. The first day is a plenary session with two keynote sessions and three invitation sessions, and the second day was for a guest lecture.

“The keynote speakers apart from FST are also from Malaysia, Bangladesh, South Korea, Pakistan, and Vietnam as well as Spain,” said the Biology lecturer.

In the conference, there was also a poster and scientific journals or theses competition whose topics had previously been determined by the committee. In the scientific journal competition, participants present a short video presentation within five minutes.

“The topics in the competition are the same as the conference topics, which are the current trends in the fields of fundamental science, applied science, business and management. The participants of this competition are students from Indonesia, Malaysia and Bangladesh, ” she explained.

There were 26 participants in the poster competition and 37 participants in thesis competition. Five winners selected for the poster competition and three for the 5 Minute Thesis with USD 100 prize for each winner and other prizes for the finalists. (*)

Author: Asthesia Dhea Cantika

Editor : Binti Q. Masruroh

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