Motivating through public speaking seminar

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Student association of English vocational program (D3), UNAIR Faculty of Vocational Studies, held a public speaking seminar on Sunday, October 11, 2020. (Personal Doc.)

UNAIR NEWS – With enthusiasm of sharing knowledge and inviting participants to build public speaking skills, English Language Student Association ( EDSO ) Faculty of Vocational Studies (FV) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) held an internal seminar on online public speaking . The webinar entitled The Power of Public Speaking (The POP) to Unlock The World With Public Speaking was held on Sunday, October 11, 2020.

Verrial Firdaus Nugraha as the event’s chief executive revealed the purpose of holding a public speaking seminar.

“The ability to speak in public must be trained and supported morally so during its implementation, students are able to speak in public while giving a good impression to the audience,” said Verrial.

Muchamad Sholakhuddin Al Fajri SS, MA as the Supervisor of English Language Student Association ( EDSO ) FV UNAIR also delivered a speech. He expressed his appreciation to the students who had successfully held The POP event .

The event presented Adiyatma Rahmadanto as the speaker. He was able to bring the participants to have a discussion while giving motivation by sharing his personal experiences in the world of public speaking.

“Actually, speaking in public also needs a plan so the message you want to convey can be receive properly by listeners. Moreover, a plan in public speaking is also useful for maintaining your attitude when speaking, ”said Adi.

In the end of the event, Adi hoped that through this webinar the participants would be more enthusiastic in making achievements, especially in public speaking. “Hopefully with this you can be motivated to make achievements,” concluded Adi. (*)

Author: Zahwa E. Bella

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh

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