FKM alumna receives SME Outstanding Award from Governor of East Java

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UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) received good news again, as one of the alumni of Faculty of Public Health (FKM) has made a great achievement. Nesya Anggi Puspita, Faculty of Public Health alumna from class of 2008 has won first place in Outstanding SME (Small and Medium Enterprises) Competition with Millennial Preneurship in 2020 for handicraft category. The competition was an activity organized by the East Java Cooperatives and SME Agency.

“Actually, from Bojonegoro there were seven business representatives who took part in the competition, but only me who made it to the final stage. Alhamdulillah, I won in the handicraft category, “said Anggi.

For this achievement, Anggi had the opportunity to receive an award directly from the Governor of East Java on Monday, October 12, 2020, on the 75th Anniversary of East Java.

“I feel grateful and happy when I won the award,” she said.

Furthermore, Anggi explained that her journey in building a business was not easy. Anggi had tried various kinds of businesses such as selling hijabs, becoming a reseller of beauty products and selling Eid parcels, but all of these businesses failed to grow.

From this experience, continued Anggi, she tried to evaluate and find the cause of her business failure. Until 2015 the teak handicraft business she created grew until now. The business was named Grandis Home.

“Apart from selling teak wood handicraft products, I am also developing natural fiber products such as mirrors, wall decorations, baskets, and others,” she added.

Children and employees are the biggest motivation for Anggi to continue her business. Anggi revealed that by managing a business from home, she can spend more time with her children and teach them to do business from their childhood. The employees who depend on her also encourage Anggi to get back up when she is down.

Currently, Anggi has succeeded in exporting her products in two countries, South Korea and the Netherlands. In the future, Anggi wants to export her products regularly to more countries by improving value of local raw materials and cooperating with the surrounding community. Moreover, she also wants to join an international exhibitions soon. (*)

Author: Dita Aulia Rahma

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia

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