Understanding health student competency test regulation through webinar

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UNAIR NEWS – Nursing is a profession that is currently in the spotlight. The struggles and sincerity in helping Covid-19 sufferers to recover have made this profession increasingly recognized by the public. Even though during a pandemic like this, not a few nurses have died in carrying out their duties.

However, it turns out that someone’s journey to becoming a nurse is not easy. In addition to receiving material, they must follow a practical program that has been designed by education. After receiving education, prospective nurses cannot immediately work in health services because they must undergo a competency test to obtain a Registration Certificate (STR) as one of the requirements for nurses to be able to work in health services.

“Law No.38 of 2014 on nurses states that students in the field of nursing or nursing students must take a competency test,” said Khotibul Umam., S, Kep., Ns., M.Kes in a webinar discussing competency tests conducted by D3 Nursing program, Faculty of Vocational Studies, Universitas Airlangga.

However, other fields of midwifery and health must take the same test. Therefore, the Minister of Education and Culture Regulation Article 2 of 2020 discusses the determination of procedures for implementing competency tests for students in the health sector.

“Article 2 states that students in the health sector at the end of their vocational or undergraduate education must take a national competency test, “said Khotibul on Saturday, October 10.

“The competency test is conducted to achieve competency standards of graduates who meet work competency standards as health workers,” added him.

This regulation answers all laws that were issued earlier such as Article 21 Paragraph (7) Law Number 36 Year 2014 concerning Health Workers, Article 16 Paragraph (1) Law Number 4 Year 2019 concerning Midwifery, and Article 16 Paragraph (7) Law Number 38 of 2014 concerning Nursing.

“Thus, the new regulation answers all the laws that were issued earlier. Both laws regarding nursing, midwifery, and health workers, “he concluded. (*)

Author: Icha Nur Imami Puspita

Editor: Feri Fenoria

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