FK UNAIR lecturers create online learning media

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UNAIR NEWS – As a lecturer and person who is involved in the world of health, dr. Moh. Nurdin Zuhri, Sp.M., did not want to remain silent when he saw the educational gap. Primarily health education which occurs in several regions in Indonesia.

“I want to play a role in educational equity. If you look at big cities, like Surabaya, the sources of knowledge are abundant. Can you try other areas or outside the island? There are still those who have not been able to access education,” said Nurdin.

For this reason, Nurdin tries to make innovations in the form of online-based learning applications aimed at students and professionals from Faculty of Medicine (FK), Faculty of Dental Medicine (FKG), Faculty of Nursing (FKp), and midwifery education.

“The name is KulOn, which stands for Online College. At this early stage, we are still only targeting health science students, “said the lecturer at Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Airlangga.

Nurdin and his team started developing KulOn since 2018. Although still relatively new, this application has provided many features, including videos, teaching materials, practice questions, to tryouts that are tailored to the curriculum in Faculty of Medicine (FK), Faculty of Dental Medicine (FKG), Faculty of Nursing (FKp), and midwifery education.

“Then, there is a feature workshop that displays various videos about skills special, for example, how to sew body parts and how to enter the operating room,” he added.

Apart from learning features, KulOn also accommodates lecturers and professional organizations if they want to make online seminars which can be accessed by the public.

Moreover, KulOn application carries learning with an audio-visual concept. “We filter the material and convey it briefly. The material duration is around seven minutes, so it is more effective,” said Nurdin.

Not only doctors or health workers; on several occasions, KulOn has also organized other segments for the general public.

“For the public program, it is called Expert Sharing, and the response was good. There were 1000 people joined the program. “he said.

To attract more users, this FK Universitas Brawijaya alumnus added that KulOn provides several facilities. Such as vouchers, referral codes for members, and points.

However, Nurdin admits that the team often experience problems during the process of developing KulOn. “Making applications is complicated. The process takes a long time because it requires collaboration from many parties, “explained Nurdin.

“The most frequent complaint from users is the application is relatively slow sometimes. Therefore, we continue to update the server and fix things that are missing, “he continued.

Furthermore, Nurdin said that he intended to collaborate with professional organizations, such as Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI), Indonesian Midwives Association (IBI), specialist doctor associations, and related parties to make curriculum adjustments.

“KulOn application has iOS and Android versions. More than 2800 people have downloaded it. In the future, we also want to try to explore other fields outside of health science education, such as economics and business, “said Nurdin. (*)

Author: Nabila Amelia

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia

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