Collaboration of Accounting students and lecturers to give motivation on Economic Independence

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UNAIR NEWS – Accounting program of Universitas Airlangga Off Main Campus Program (PSDKU) in Banyuwangi held another community service activity. One of the Higher Education Tri Dharma activities is carried out regularly every year, but it is different from the previous years.

Pandemic conditions require the community service activity to be carried out virtually in the form of webinar. It was held on September 26, 2020 and was chaired by Rizqy Aiddha Yuniawati, SA, M.Acc., Ak. on “Empowering Women in Building Economic Independence”.

The webinar invited two expert speakers in the field of entrepreneurship, Dr. Tri Siwi Agustina, SE, M.Si as a lecturer at Universitas Airlangga and Indiarti, S.Kep., Ners as micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (UMKM) practitioner. The event carried out in a relaxed but still serious manner.

The webinar was divided into two sessions. The first session was for Dr. Tri Siwi Agustina, SE, M.Si. She presented material on Business Model Canvas, a guideline to determine the direction of business that must be done so participants can save resources in the form of capital, time and energy to get maximum results in business.

“Lack of awareness to plan is an obstacle when we want to set up a business,” said Siwi.

After her presentation, there was a quiz with prizes from the committee, followed with an ice breaking session so the participants do not feel tired following the webinar. The second session was with Indiarti, S.Kep., Ners. She explained how to form the mental and success mindset of women entrepreneurs. She also provides tips and tricks for starting a business.

“The key to our success is when we dream and have the will to execute it through actions,” said Indiarti.

The webinar went on without a hitch. The enthusiasm shown by the participants made the committee feel that the topic discussed could have an impact to the community in line with the objective as community service. (*)

Author: Agiel Shintia Miftahul Jannah

Editor : Binti Q. Masruroh

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