Prof. Yusuf inaugurated as professor for holistic model development in treatment of mental disorders

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UNAIR NEWS – Prof. Dr. Ahmad Yusuf Saiun, S.Kp., M.Kes. was one of the professors inaugurated on Thursday, October 8, 2020, and he is the second active professor from Faculty of Nursing (FKp). In his scientific oration, Prof. Yusuf explained the results of his research regarding the development of a holistic model in the care of patients with mental disorders.

On that occasion, Prof. Yusuf explained that the most prominent mental disorders are behavioral disorders, mental disorders, emotional disorders which are then followed by physical symptoms. When physical symptoms such as sleep disorders, eating disorders cause work function disorders, it can cause mental disorders in a person.

“People commonly experiences mental disorders after they experience impaired work function,” said the Professor born in 1967.

Furthermore, Prof. Yusuf revealed that there are two groups of mental disorders, emotional mental disorders and serious mental disorders. Mental disorders also have a huge impact on the economic sector because people with mental disorders cannot carry out activities productively.

To deal with emotional mental disorders, continued Prof. Yusuf, the action that can be done is strengthening the meaning of life so that people are not easily anxious, easily angry, and so on.

“Therefore, it is also necessary to develop spiritual reinforcement, as for the spiritual values that we (Prof. Yusuf and the research team, ed) have studied are gratitude, patience and sincerity,” he added.

Prof. Yusuf said that there is still a stigma in the community on people with mental disorders. Another problem is family acceptance of people with mental disorders as there are still many families who neglect people with mental disorders.

From those problems, Prof. Yusuf stated that mental health problems are not only patient’s problem, but also family, group and community problems. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a holistic model that does not only look at physical (biological) matters, but also psychological, social, spiritual and cultural.

“So it can be concluded that the handling of mental disorders must be comprehensive, involving all parties, across sectors and programs,” he explained.

Finally, Prof. Yusuf hoped that all communities can realize mental health, where individuals can develop physically, mentally, spiritually and socially so they realize on their capability to cope with pressure, work productively and contribute to their community.

“Hopefully we can overcome mental disorders, at least it can assist patients and their families,” he concluded. (*)

Author: Dita Aulia Rahma

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia

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