Four breakthrough programs from Prof Yusuf for Faculty of Nursing

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 UNAIR NEWS – Rector of Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) has just restructured the management at faculty level by inaugurating new deans on Wednesday, September 30, 2020. One of the new figures attended the inauguration was Prof. Dr. Ah. Yusuf, S.Kp., M.Kes., who was inaugurated as Dean of the Faculty of Nursing (FKP) for 2020-2025.

Receiving a new mandate amid pandemic conditions made Prof. Yusuf feel challenged. On the first day of office, the Mental Health Nursing lecturer greeted all FKP staff through WA group to continue the work of previous leadership. He also prioritized completing the preparation for accreditation of doctoral programs in Faculty of Nursing (FKp) and achieving the performance targets.

“I coordinated with the ranks of vice deans, head of programs and departments to continue the prioritized program and improve the achievements of the previous leadership,” he explained.

Asked about the plan for breakthroughs, Prof. Yusuf emphasized that he would formulate four programs. The four programs are encouraging publications of three papers in Scopus indexed journals for each lecturer, achieving internationalization, supporting efforts to achieve graduate competence, and increasing FKP’s contribution to UNAIR in its effort to reach Top 500 World Class University (WCU).

As an effort to increase Scopus’ publications in the research field, his party will provide a community service research proposal writing clinic to get joint funding with the Research, Publication and Community Service Unit (UP3). Furthermore, he will also provide a place to inform the list of Scopus journals that are safe from the predatory publishers.

The lecturer who was born in Mojokerto on January 1, 1967 also explained that the policies to be implemented in the academic sector are to improve graduate skills and student participation in real service activities. According to him, it can be done by involving professional program students to contribute at Universitas Airlangga Hospital (RSUA).

“For the short term, we will collaborate with RSUA by holding a preceptorship, in which one RSUA nurse guides two professional students. Later, student activities will follow the schedule of the nurse’s office so that students can feel like being real nurses, “he explained.

Finally, Prof. Yusuf hoped that all members of academic community in FKP can achieve the performance targets that have been designed to make the faculty a center for national and international nursing development.

“Hopefully we can work together to support UNAIR to reach Top 500 WCU,” he concluded. (*)

Author: Nikmatus Sholikhah

Editor: Feri Fenoria

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