Creating Synergy of Research, Innovation, and Community Service

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Prof. Dr. Bambang Sektiari Lukiswanto DEA, Drh Vice Rector for Research, Innovation and Community Development UNAIR for 2020-2025. (Photo: Agus Irwanto / PIH)

UNAIR NEWS – Being a representative to accompany rector in carrying out leadership mandate is not an easy position. The mandate is now carried out by Prof. Dr. Bambang Sektiari Lukiswanto DEA, Drh. When he was born in 1962, while burying the placenta, his father prayed that one day the baby could grow up and become a professor.

Forty-six years later, the prayer was granted through the inauguration of Prof. Bambang as a professor from Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, to be precise in 2008.

“When I was born, the father buried my placenta, he prayed that his son to become a professor. And he doesn’t really know what a professor is, what kind of job it is, and how to become a professor. But Alhamdulillah the prayer is granted, “said Prof. Bambang. “In 2008, I was inaugurated as a professor, I only knew about it then,” added the man who became a veterinarian in 1986.

Prof. Bambang is aware that a position is only lent. What is more important than a position is how to be able to consciously carry out the mandate as well as possible for the benefit of all.

While he was active as a lecturer at FKH UNAIR, Prof. Bambang once carried out mandate as Head of Veterinary Hospital. As time goes by, various duties continue to follow, starting from being Head of the Community Service and Development Institute (LPPM), Head of the Student Admissions Center (PPMB), Head of the Quality Assurance Board (BPM), the Director of Academic Affairs, and now as Vice Rector for Research, Innovation and Community Development.

Prof. Bambang successful story cannot be separated from the prayers of his parents, especially his mother. The man was very close to the deceased mother said, since he was still in elementary school until completing college education, it was his mother who continued to provide support and also prayers.

“Since elementary school until being graduated as a veterinarian, my mother did not stopped praying, supporting, accompanying me during school,” explained the man who lived in the area of Kampung Kedondong, Tegalsari Subdistrict, Surabaya as a child.

Formulating next five-year program

In his tenure for the next five years, Prof. Bambang has launched several programs in the fields of Research, Innovation and Community Development.

First, mapping and identifying research centers and excellence in UNAIR. So far, UNAIR has several centers of excellence. One that excels and has a proven role in society is the Stem Cell Center.

“The center of excellence can be improved and then it can have an impact, bring great benefits to society,” said Prof. Bambang.

Second, increasing research collaboration with partners, both at the national and international levels. So far, UNAIR has carried out many research collaborations with national and international partners. If research collaboration is enhanced, UNAIR’s recognition will improve globally.

“What we need is an impact and benefits for the community. Therefore, research collaboration with partners needs to be accelerated and improved, “said the alumnus of SMA 9 Surabaya.

The third notable program is developing scientific centers according to the four scientific fields in UNAIR: health science, life science, social science, and engineering. The existence of a study center in each field of science will develop science in order to answer the challenges of the developing times.

Prof. Bambang continued, UNAIR has many excellent human resources from its researchers. His party will encourage researchers to conduct research and publish research results in reputable journals because publications in reputable journals will have a high impact on society.

Meanwhile, in terms of community service, UNAIR has had World Universities Association for Community Development (WUACD) since 2018. The opening of WUACD is a forum for community service to answer real problems in society, not only at national but also international level.

“So we have to make programs where they can be a superior program, students can use it to implement the Independent Learning program,” explained Prof. Bambang.

“We want a circle that continues to move between education, research, and community service because problems in society continue to occur, it is our duty to answer these challenges in the future, “he said.

Finally, in carrying out the mandate as Vice Rector for Research, Innovation and Community Development, Prof. Bambang needs synergy and collaborative work by the entire academic community. Because according to him, if you want to achieve UNAIR’s vision and mission, all components of the campus community, including lecturers, students, administrative staff, and alumni, must work together. (*)

Author: Binti Q. Masruroh

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