UNAIR NEWS – The Veterinary Paramedic Three-year vocational (D3) Study Program, Department of Health, Faculty of Vocational Studies, Universitas Airlangga conducted community service activities in Selogabus Village, Parengan Sub-district, Tuban Regency. It is aimed to train the local breeders in Selogabus Village on making herbal ginger bolus.
Most of the breeders in Selogabus Village are also farmers, so many of their cattle are still fed with paddy straw. Education for breeders is needed related to the feed processing that is still insufficient.
Herbal temulawak (Javanese ginger) bolus is an ingredient that is cheap, easy to make, and can be stored for a long time in a dry place and can be used as an appetite enhancer for animals and as deworming medicine. This community service was carried out in September 2020. During the COVID-19 pandemic, it was attended by 20 participants divided into two groups by implementing COVID-19 protocols.
The purpose of this community service is to increase the welfare and income of community service participants, in this case, smallholder breeders in Selogabus Village, Parengan Sub-district, Tuban Regency with Temulawak Bolus feed processing technology for cattle feed.
The advantages of temulawak bolus are its high nutrition, a practical and easy way of increasing food stock, increasing appetite, and being used as an anthelmintic. It is fed 500 grams/day.
Reproductive health is also one of the productivity instruments for cattle, so participants are given knowledge on reproductive health in this community service. The participants’ enthusiasm can be seen from the number of participants who asked questions and shared experiences.
Furthermore, participants were also given information related to Covid-19. Idrus Rasyidi, SE, head of the Selogabus village, said that this community service activity was needed, useful, and beneficial for the community because most of the population were farmers and breeders. The participants for this community service are the breeders’ group in Selogabus.
Author: Siti Eliana Rochmi Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh