UNAIR NEWS – Bogo Village, located in Kapas Sub-district, Bojonegoro Regency, has enormous Moringa leaves potential. The village community, on the other hand, has not managed this Moringa’s potential well.
In this regard, some lecturers from Library Three-year vocational program (D3), Faculty of Vocational Studies (FV) UNAIR invited the residents to process Moringa leaves into cookies. The activity was held through a community service program titled “Village Makerspace to Develop Village Potential” on Wednesday (23/9/2020) at Bogo Village Hall. The program aimed to support UNAIR in achieving the Fourth SDG, Quality Education.
Head of the committee, Dyah Puspitasari Srirahayu, S. Kom., M. Hum., revealed that the innovation of processed Moringa leaves could be an additional product with economic value. “The Moringa and Ale plants in Bogo Village are in great abundance. Unfortunately, they have not been processed properly, even though it could empower the community,” she said.
Fifty people, including women from the Farmers’ Group (KWT), Family Welfare Movement (PKK), village apparatus, and the locals, learned to process Moringa plants into traditional dishes and remedies. Moringa leaves are also combined with processed chocolate to make cookies.
“This innovation in processing Moringa leaves can increase the variety of processed Moringa products sold. So far, there were not many kinds of Moringa products sold,” she concluded.
Previously, participants had been given information about the efficacy of the Moringa plants. The material was presented by UNAIR Traditional Medicine lecturer Maya Septriana, S.Si., Apt., M.Si.
Furthermore, participants also gained knowledge on digital marketing. The material was presented by UNAIR Marketing Management lecturer Rizka Miladiah Ervianty, S.E., M.SM. “It is intended to improve the community’s ability to digitally advertise Moringa products because the marketing been done so far has been lacking, resulting in fewer earnings,” Dyah explained.
Even though the activity was conducted on the spot, it followed strict health protocols. The Bogo Village Head responded positively and enthusiastically to the community service program.
Dyah expected the village council to offer makerspace facilities as soon as possible in order to boost the community’s economy. “Hopefully, the makerspace can be developed to explore the village’s potential. Not only in one village, but all villages in Indonesia can develop a makerspace,” she concluded.
Author: Erika Eight Novanty
Editor: Nuri Hermawan