Gaining insight on nationalism through mandatory lecture

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UNAIR NEWS – To provide students with insight on nationalism, Directorate of Academic Affairs Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) held a mandatory lecture (MKWU) on Monday, September 14, 2020. The lecture was presented Yudi Latif, MA, Ph.D., who had served as Head of Pancasila Ideology Development Agency in 2018 and Prof. Dr. Moh. Nasih, SE., M.T., Ak, CMA.

The topic of the lecture was “The Importance of Pancasila Insights in Improving National Competitiveness”. Lasted for about two hours, the activity was carried out online through the zoom meeting application and broadcasted live on UNAIR’s official YouTube account.

Moderated by Dr. Muhammad Adib, Drs., M.A., the lecture was started with Yudi’s explanation about the milestones on the birth of Pancasila. He said that Pancasila was born not from one process, but from a very long process.

Furthermore, Yudi conveyed there are three elements in building a national identity. First, it is built with historical awareness to respect cultural heritage. Second, it is built from the shared values, similarities of values in public life and finally, having a sense of pride in the nation.

“With pride in the nation, there will be various achievements that can be used to compete with other countries,” he said.

Especially for Indonesia, added Yudi, in order to improve competitiveness with other nations, social capital is needed. This social capital is achieved through connecting people by building transportation infrastructure or by providing insight on nationalism.

Furthermore, in order to strengthen connectivity among Indonesian communities, mutual values originated from Pancasila values are needed.

“Pancasila values are values that can unite diversity in Indonesia,” he explained.

Yudi emphasized that Pancasila is very essential for Indonesia because basically, the social capital and national identity capital needed to achieve national advancement have been summarized in the five Pancasila principles. Finally, Prof. Nasih advised the participants to make Pancasila as a mutual destination in life and make it a common goal.

“Apart from being the state ideology, Pancasila must also be used as a guide in life. We also have to make Pancasila a common goal so we can achieve a fulfilling life, ” he concluded. (*)

Author: Dita Aulia Rahma

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia

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