UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) Faculty of Nursing (FKp) held another inauguration for 114 new nurse on Tuesday, September 15, 2020. The second inauguration in 2020 was held offline in the Florence Nightingale Lecture Hall, Faculty of Nursing. To facilitate graduates outside the city, FKP UNAIR also holds online events via Zoom and Youtube live streaming.
In the inauguration, Dean of Nursing UNAIR Prof. Dr. Nursalam, M. Nur (Hons) revealed that UNAIR’s new nurses have a great opportunity even though they are amid pandemic situation. They must be able to find opportunities because health workers are so much needed.
“After being inaugurated you are free to choose. Start a career or continue your studies. To start a career, after passing the competence test and registering for practice, you can immediately look for openings. If you continue your studies, Faculty of Nursing is also ready to accept graduates into our three programs, “he said.
Prof. Nursalam explained that FKP UNAIR has a doctoral program, Master of Nursing, and Nursing Specialist: Medical Surgery. Furthermore, there are also several scholarships available for graduates who wish to continue their studies.
He also advised 114 new nurses to always show gratitude, hard work, willingness, actualization, targets, and respect for time. “Lastly, of course, we are letting you go with great pride. And remember, maintain good reputation, profession, and alma mater, “he said.
Vice Rector III Dr. Bambang Sektiari Lukiswanto, Drh., DEA on behalf of UNAIR Rector emphasized that nurses as health workers have noble roles and duties.
“For about half a year we continue to hear extraordinary stories of the nurses, doctors, pharmacists, and other health workers’ struggles. That’s why I am reminding you, even though you are not certified yet, you have entered the professional world. Keep your oath and professional code of ethics,” he said.
Prof. Bambang also reminded that 114 new nurses must carry out values of excellence with morality, including being flexible, courageous, honest, humble, dedicated, responsive, and of course mastering the field of their works.
The inauguration was also attended by some stakeholders, such as representatives of Director of UNAIR Hospital, representatives of Director of RSUD Dr. Soetomo, representatives of East Java DPD chairman, the East Java DPD PPNI secretary, representatives of Social Agency and the Health Agency.
Author: Intang Arifia
Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia