Millennial generation has vital role in facing hoaxes

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A webinar, "Hoaxes Between Us" held by Master of Media and Communication Universitas Airlangga on Wednesday, September 2, 2020 via Zoom. (Photo: Asthesia Dhea)

UNAIR NEWS – It cannot be denied that in the current millennial era, there is a rapid development of technology, especially social media. A lot of information can easily be disseminated on various existing platforms. However, the rapid development of social media is followed by the massive spread of false information or hoaxes.

Responding to this problem, Media and Communication Master’s Program Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) held a webinar titled “Hoaxes Between Us” on Wednesday, September 2, 2020. The event which was attended by various groups was carried out online via Zoom.

On this occasion, Faiz Miftahul Huda, SIKom., as one of the speakers said that the current state of information and communication in Indonesia is overlapping with the true and false information. For the Head of the Facilitator (Young Interfaith Peacemaker Community) YIPC East Java, in seeking correct information, he must make a big effort.

“Information is getting even more biased when we want to find the truth. It is like looking for a needle in the haystack. So, we have to make effort first, to determine information to be true is not as easy as it used to be, “said the master student of UNAIR Media and Communication.

According to Faiz, his nickname, there are three filters of information that youths or students can use in responding to hoaxes. First, determine whether the information is accurate. If you’re not sure it is correct, don’t spread it. Second, make sure the correct information is good. If it’s not necessarily good, don’t spread it.

“Third, if it is good, is it beneficial. If it’s not useful, don’t spread it,” he added.

Furthermore, after getting the information, you have to check and re-check it again. Checking and re-checking is carried out using trusted and responsible sources of information. The date of the information must also be checked out.

“The most important point is to be as objective as possible. Check the credibility of the authors, sources, and data references. It is what we do for ourselves, how do we respond to information, so that false information is not easily spread and affected many people, “he concluded. (*)

Author: Asthesia Dhea Cantika Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh

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