Faculty of Medicine alumna invites community to prevent Covid-19 misinformation

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dr. Deisha Laksmitha Ayomi, MD, alumna of Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga during presentation in the MYOSIN 2020 webinar (Photo: Dimar Herfano)

UNAIR NEWS – The COVID-19 pandemic has made the Indonesian people anxious in carrying out their activities. Excessive fear can even reduce the level of productivity of each person.

Dr. Deisha Laksmitha Ayomi, MD, an alumna of Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, shared her insights on how to improve productivity amid COVID-19 pandemic. The doctor, known well as Mitha, joining as COVID-19 Volunteer Unit in Surabaya, sharing stories about asymptomatic COVID-19 patients who came to the Indrapura Hospital with anxiety.

“If I ask them why they are worried, they are worried because they are positive for COVID-19. Maybe we should look at this holistically, “said Mitha.

Mitha said, seeing it holistically, it is like a tip of the iceberg, initially, we treated treating a patient who was indicated positive and then the PCR test result came up negative and the case was closed.

“On the surface, this person may be positive, but it turns out that there are many problems behind it, for example, stigma, mental health, job loss, and health workers have to isolate themselves from their families. This is not an easy thing,” said the 2019 Indonesian Miss Education.

Through the MYOSIN Webinar (Achilles Social Mission to Serve) FK UNAIR 2020 Social Service on Saturday, August 15, 2020 entitled “Productive during COVID-19 Crisis in the Millennial Era “, Mitha explained that many patients were influenced by wrong information making them feel anxious and stressed.

“According to WHO, misinformation is more dangerous than the virus. Everyone has their role to stop the misinformation, “said Mitha.

According to Mitha, one of the efforts to avoid misinformation is to first check the information on the official news page. Then, check the purpose of the person sharing the information. “Is it giving them benefits or only increasing awareness of Covid-19,” she explained.

And third, think critically before sharing information with the closest people. “It is very important to think critically, sort it out and we have to remind the person carefully,” she added.

FK UNAIR alumna from Class of 2012 started her presentation with two questions. First, what makes each person different in achieving their goals? Second, are we productive during the quarantine? Mitha reminded that the level of productivity of each person is different.

One of the important foundations in carrying out productivity during quarantine to develop mindset. “Mindset is very important, everything is limited, it is very important to have a mindset growth. Mindset is everything,” said Mitha.

Mitha added, there are 5 points to develop mindset, such as encouraging self, making learning goals, introspecting from mistakes, challenging your comfort zone, and being consistent.

“Mindset is dynamic. As long as the person willing to learn and have mindset to evolve, certain people can learn better, ” she concluded. (*)

Author: R. Dimar Herfano Akbar

Editor   : Binti Q Masruroh

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