Dr. Hani: Prospective students are not required to have special skill to enter Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

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UNAIR NEWS – UNAIR Student Admission Center (PPMB) held another Open Talk session via Instagram live on Monday, August 10, 2020. This session invited Dr. Hani Plumeriastuti, drh., M.Kes as a speaker to discuss further about campus life at UNAIR Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FKH UNAIR).

Hani motivated the prospective students not to be afraid to study at FKH UNAIR. She said that prospective students are not required to have special skills to enter FKH UNAIR, but she added that student candidates must gain further insights regarding what will be studied at FKH so will not make a mistake.

“In my opinion, skills will definitely follow. Most importantly, students must have a desire first, a willingness to learn and master the knowledge. I often find that students refraining from studying at FKH because they are afraid of wild animals, even though it is necessary to know that there is knowledge on how to handle these animals so they are not harmful to humans,” said the lecturer of Veterinary Pathology Department.

Regarding campus facilities, Hani explained that FKH UNAIR not only offers facilities such as classrooms and practicum laboratories, but it also has a Veterinary Hospital which can be used for professional practice and is also open for public. She added, FKH UNAIR also has a teaching farm that can be used by students for field practice on production animals such as cows and goats.

“We also offer international class where daily lectures use English. However, the curriculum structure and quality of regular and international classes at FKH UNAIR also comply with international standards. Regarding FKH UNAIR in the Banyuwangi Off Main Campus Program (PSDKU), the facilities offered there are more or less the same and the lecturers are also from UNAIR, ” she said.

Hani explained that there were many student activities available at FKH UNAIR, such as Student Executive Board (BEM) and the Student Legislative Board (BLM). She also said that there is a Semi-Autonomous Body (BSO) focusing on both academic and non-academic activities. Academic BSO activities focus on FKH professional interests, such as pet and wild animals, poultry, production animals, etc. Related to non-academic BSO are dance arts and choir.

Finally, Hani said that there are many job opportunities for FKH graduates. These job opportunities depend on the professional specialties that students take after graduating from the bachelor’s degree. For example, the pet and wild animal profession can work in nature conservation and the production animal professionals can work on a farm.

Author: Pradnya Wicaksana

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia

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