Android-based app “Remaja Sehat” as solution to adolescent reproductive health problems in Indonesia

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Photo: Personal documentation

Adolescents in Indonesia currently face many problems and adolescent problems are crucial and very important to solve. Adolescent reproductive health is still a trending topic. Based on the 2018 Program Performance and Accountability Survey (SKAP) data conducted by BKKBN, an overview of adolescent reproductive health status was obtained.

From a total of 22,210 adolescents sampled, it can be seen that the index and knowledge of Adolescent Reproductive Health (KRR) was 57.1. This means that most of the KRR status and adolescent knowledge about the KRR are still in the low category or lacking. Although the KRR index has increased compared to 2017 but the increase has not been significant as it only increased by 4.7. (2017 KRR index of 52.4). Knowledge on fertile period is still relatively low, knowledge on HIV-AIDS, STIs, drugs is good but most of it is still low in its affective aspects.

On the other hand the presence of media or access to gadgets is quite high among teenagers. Based on data from the Indonesian Internet Service Providers Association (APJII) in the 2018 survey the highest number of internet users was at the age of 15-19 years. Based on the results of the 2018 SKAP survey, teenagers obtained KRR information from the internet or website.

One solution to the problem of dealing with a low reproductive index is the launch of an Android-based application “Rumah Remaja”. The application is a media specifically designed for teenagers and adapted to the needs of adolescents. The application can be accessed easily and free in playstore. The application development involves the participation of adolescents. In the application, information provided is about puberty, including the primary and secondary characteristics of puberty, fertility, STIs, HIV-AIDS, thus developing games and cases that can add to the knowledge and affective aspects of adolescents.

As many as 302 teenagers contribute to the content, design and games development in it. The application “Remaja Sehat” has been launched and used by around 500 teenagers. The involvement of adolescents in developing this application becomes an important aspect. They know what needs to be met in overcoming adolescent reproductive health problems. So the application is indeed from teenagers, for teenagers and by teenagers. Teenagers feel they have and feel responsible in dealing with adolescent reproductive health issues. The content and appearance of the application is also tailored to the tastes of teenagers.

In adolescents who have used and accessed the application, there has been an improvement in knowledge in affective aspects of adolescents. This means that the application of “Remaja Sehat” can be deemed effective in improving the affective aspects of adolescent reproductive health. Teenagers no longer need to bother looking for or opening websites. Simply use each smartphone to download the application and all information can be accessed. Pictures and examples of adolescent reproductive health can also be seen. So this condition can affect adolescent affection. The most influential aspect of affection is relative advantage. Relative advantange means that teens feel they have many benefits after accessing or using the application. The perceived advantage is ease of access, the information available on the application is quite acceptable and very informative. The ease of downloading is also one of the reasons for utilizing applications that have been developed.

The application “Remaja Sehat” is expected to be used more widely by teenagers so that it can make a major contribution in helping to solve adolescent reproductive health problems. Application development will continue to be done so that it is always updated with technological advancements and meet the needs of Indonesian youth. The role of all sectors, especially parents, is also important. The parents can also learn and it can be a reference material for parents in providing reproductive health education in the family. (*)

Author: Pulung Siswantara

The full article can be seen at the following link:

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