Action of lecturers and students to encourage UTBK participants to comply with the health protocols

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UNAIR NEWS – A community of lecturers and students of Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) have distributed masks to participants of Computer-Based Test (UTBK). The distribution of the masks was on Monday, July 6, 2020 at UNAIR entry point before UTBK participants entered the venue to take the test as a requirement for State University Entrance Joint Selection (SBMPTN) registration.

The mask distribution was at seven o’clock in the morning. There were 3 thousand from 10 thousand prepared masks were distributed to UTBK participants and company. The masks were distributed after they passed body temperature check using a thermogun.

Head of Seger Waras Lecturer Community, Dr. Suko Widodo., Drs., M.Si gave a statement. “This morning starting at 7 the UTBK committee through the Seger Waras community distributed masks to those who had just arrived, for participants and their company. This is part of UNAIR’s concern in implementing health protocols, as campaign to encourage people to continue putting on masks, “said Suko.

Student distributes free masks to people who take participants to UTBK venue in UNAIR. (Photo: Muhammad Alif Fauzan)

One of the lecturers who participated in the distribution of masks Dewi Retno Suminar revealed that the distribution of masks in campus was part of the campaign that campus is a safe place for anyone.

“We distribute masks as proof that our campus continues to implement health protocols. Campus is a safe place for anyone doing activities in it, “said the lecturer of Faculty of Psychology UNAIR.

The UTBK committee also provides rapid test facilities to participants who need help to get a pass to UTBK. The Rapid Test is conducted by officers before the participants take the UTBK in their respective rooms.

Student distributes free masks to people who take participants to UTBK venue in UNAIR. (Photo: Muhammad Alif Fauzan)

This Rapid Test facility was provided following the appeal of Surabaya City Government which required UTBK participants to bring a Rapid Test certificate with non-reactive results or a Swab Test with a negative Covid-19 result.

Regarding the Rapid Test support, Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) received assistance from the Intelligence Agency (BIN) about 4 thousand rapid test kits and from East Java BPBD 2 thousand rapid test kits and some PPE, masks, hand sanitizers. (*)

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