UNAIR NEWS – The Implementation of Computer-Based Test (UTBK) Phase I will begin on Sunday, July 5, 2020 until Tuesday, July 14, 2020. Amid Covid-19 pandemic, the UTBK Central Committee Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) made some preparations. As infection prevention and implementation of health protocols for UTBK participants, UNAIR held a press conference on Friday, July 3, 2020 at Nanizar Jaman Joenoes Building, Campus C.
There were also Head of Student Admission Center (PPMB) Dr. Achmad Solihin SE, M.Si., UNAIR UTBK Central Committee Chrismawan Ardianto, S.FARM., M.SC., PH.D., APT, and Head of Center for Information and Public Relations (PIH) Dr. Suko Widodo.
In his statement, Chrismawan Ardianto, S.FARM., M.SC., PH.D., APT, appealed to all participants of UTBK UNAIR to adhere and comply with health protocol procedures in all locations. There are six locations of UTBK UNAIR, Campus A, Campus B, Campus C, and 3 other locations in partner’s place: University of Muhamadiyah Surabaya (UMS), Indonesian School of Economics Surabaya (STIESIA), and Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 (Untag) Surabaya.
Chrismawan added that each UTBK location would obey the rules issued by Central LTMPT regarding Covid-19 prevention efforts such as discipline of doing physical distancing or keeping a safe distance, wearing a mask, washing hands, and checking body temperature for UTBK participants.
“For UTBK participants at Campus C, the entrance is from MERR (near Airlangga Convention Center, ed). There, participants will be checked for body temperature. The maximum allowed body temperature is 37 degrees Celsius, “he said.
Due to Covid-19 pandemic, UTBK participants are not allowed to enter the location if their body temperature exceeds the maximum limit when checked at the entrance. Furthermore, participants are encouraged to take the test in phase II.
“After being checked for body temperature, participants must wash their hands before entering the test building. The committee has provided a washbasin for each location, “he said.
Next, Chrismawan also said that participants will be directed to the transit room. The room has been set up with a reclining chair, with a capacity of 40 people. The room is used by participants to wait for the test time and where they put their bags. Only participants’ cards and photocopies of diplomas or SKL are permitted to be brought into the test room.
“Participants are also required to wear masks and carry plastic gloves. The use of elevators are also limited to a maximum of four people. In between the test sessions, the rooms and the computers will be disinfected. The windows in each test room will also be opened so air circulation is good, “he said.
“Meanwhile, the entire committee is also equipped with PPE. In Nanizar Jaman Joenoes Building, the capacity was 84 participants, from the original capacity of 126 participants,” he added.
Meanwhile, Dr. Solihin mentioned that UTBK this time is indeed very different. To participants who could not take the test because their body temperature did not meet the requirements, he urged participants to take Phase II test held on July 20-29, 2020.
“It is also possible that later if there are many constrained, UNAIR will have another round of test in August. We’ll see the conditions on the field, “he said.
Dr. Suko Widodo said that UNAIR continued to maximize efforts to fulfill the implementation of health protocols in UTBK this year in all UTBK UNAIR locations. It regulated the process up to a very small thing, such as movement of participants when entering the room, waiting, including when exiting. All are based on the principles of the recommended health protocols.
Regarding the appeal letter from Surabaya City Government, participants must have a rapid test first, said Dr Suko, UNAIR highly respects that. However, efforts to find a middle ground are being discussed so all parties can be facilitated, both the UTBK committee, UNAIR, and Surabaya City Government. All the latest information about that will be published through the official account. (*)
Author: Feri Fenoria