The role of pharmacy in medical devices and cosmetics industry

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UNAIR NEWS – The pharmaceutical sector always develops from time to time. Especially during the current pandemic, the pharmaceutical sector is increasingly showing its role in the medical industry. In Pharmacy Alumni Discussion Sharing Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) on Sunday, June 21, Apt. Rezki Meidayanti, S.Farm., revealed the role of pharmaceuticals and medical equipment industry.

First, the medical equipment industry is an industry that has extensive scope, diverse distribution processes, and technological factors that have a significant influence on quality, safety, and even price. The second article that needs to be considered is the supply chain from manufacturing, distributors, to health workers or hospitals as customers.

In the supply chain, it is essential to remember that each process must comply with standards, be certified, and pay attention to quality because medical devices play a vital role in medical activities and are closely related to the safety of human lives.

“The result can be dangerous if medical devices are not handled by a competent party. In some cases, it can even cause death because the tools used by patients experience malfunctions, “said Rezki as principal regulatory and government affairs of PT. Boston Scientific Indonesia.

The problem at the national level itself is the independence of medical devices has not been able to be achieved because 90% of raw materials and products are still imported from other countries. Besides, the funding scheme and JKN policy have not accommodated the role of medical devices and the fact that there is a mindset that considers medical devices the same as drugs.

“That indirectly impedes the progress and investment of medical devices. Therefore, pharmacists should now be present as those who can develop and improve the national medical equipment industry. Pharmacists here are not only tasked with accommodating, but also conducting research and independent production efforts for national supplies, “he said.

The vital role of pharmacy can also be seen and explored in the cosmetics sector, according to Anindya Restiana Putri, S.Farm, the cosmetics sector in Indonesia now has a brilliant business opportunity. Given, the trend of its use as an increasingly increasing lifestyle, the rapid development of the national cosmetics industry, as well as awareness of local brands that are increasingly high.

Through these conditions, pharmacists take the role of guards of the quality and safety of cosmetics that circulate in the community starting from raw materials, production processes, to their use in the community. “Another important thing is how the promotion and marketing so that the national cosmetics industry is increasingly known. The strategy can be seen in six points, “said the sales supervisor of PT. The Indonesian Kemiko.

The six strategies are building trust with customers, focusing on goals to help, simple marketing, knowing who your target customers are, hearing and learning more, and broad-minded.

Through the Alumni Sharing event, which was attended by 160 participants from various backgrounds, Pharmacy UNAIR hoped that the discussion would increase the competence of its graduates. By understanding the role of pharmacists in the medical equipment and cosmetics industry, UNAIR pharmacy graduates can see opportunities and understand the magnitude of the role of pharmacists in various sectors of the national health and beauty industry. (*)

Author: Intang Arifia

Editor: Feri Fenoria

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