FISIP Online Photography Exhibition explores student talent and interest

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One of the photos exhibited by Rizky Maghfira Putri. (Instagram doc)

UNAIR NEWS – Covid-19 Pandemic did not stop the passion of UNAIR Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) students to continue working. For the first time, Photography course in the Department of Communication Studies held an online photography exhibition that featured the best works of FISIP students. The Aksa Rasa 2020 Photography Exhibition titled “Variation in Creation” featured 40 of the best photography works from participants in the Photography course.

The event which was held from Monday, June 15 to Friday, June 26, 2020, was intended to provide education and entertainment during work from home periods. Through @ aksarasa2020 Instagram account, photography lovers and the general public can enjoy not only photo exhibitions, but also talk shows and challenges with interesting prizes. The Aksa Rasa Instagram live talk show presented Amanda Anindita Kirana and Fidellia Kartikasari.

On the first occasion, Amanda who is an expert photographer and a member of Associate Photographer of Obscura talked on “How to Find Your Own Photography Style”. Amanda provided various tips and strategies for finding your own photo style for photographers. While Fidellia, a creator content of Jokopi, At Nuit, and Sehari Selembar Kain, provided a strategy for photographers to remain productive and survive in a pandemic.

To enliven the event, Aksa Rasa 2020 also held #FlatlayChallenge for its followers . Flatlay itself is the art of photographing objects that laid facing up. In this challenge followers are invited to explore objects in the house to be used as object photos.

In the end of the event, the committee will announce the best and most favorite photos from #FlatlayChallenge and 40 works that are displayed for 12 days on the instagram page @ aksarasa2020.

“We want to make the assignment for one semester from this photography course meaningful. Through Aksa Rasa, we make this event as a means of entertainment, information and education about the world of photography, “said Irfan Wahyudi, S. Sos., M.Comms., Ph.D as UNAIR Communication Studies lecturer and Photography course coordinator.

Author: Intang Arifia

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh

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