Bayu wins various international choir competition achievements

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Bayu Zulhamsyah, a graduate of Universitas Airlangga in June 2020, who had various international achievement. (Personal Doc.)

UNAIR NEWS – Bayu Zulhamsyah, a graduate of Universitas Airlangga in June 2020 period fill his time by pursuing his talents on music and social fields. One of the achievement is UNAIR Choir from Student Activity Unit (PSUA) and has been one of the committees for two periods.

“Choir club helped me introduce me further about classical singing and music theory,” Bayu said.

His effort in the world of singing, Bayu managed to achieve various achievements during college. The most prominent achievement was winning the Grand Champion and Gold Medal at the international choir competition of the 4th Queen of the Adriatic Sea Choral Festival and Competition in 2017 in Cattolica, Italy.

Bayu awarded as the Grand Champion and two Gold Medals at Lorenzo De’Medici International Choral Festival in Florence, Italy in 2017, and two Gold Medals at 17th Budapest International Choral Festival and other international competition in Budapest, Hungary, in 2019.

“The thing that I’m most grateful for are opportunities to sing in front of more than 1,500 spectators in the world-famous Classical Music Concert Hall such as the Béla Bartók National Concert Hall, representing Asia, in international choir competitions,” he continued.

Besides that, he also briefly participated in several volunteer activities, such as American Field Service (AFS) and Youth Exchange and Study (YES), and education programs in Bondowoso.

Bayu learned many valuable values during his time in university. One of them is preparing for the future but don’t miss the opportunities for today.

Although he was criticized for being too long in the choir, according to him, through this community, he could visit various countries, meet various community groups, and know his limits and capacities. Bayu also felt he knew himself better because of these experiences.

“Live your time and find the joy in your life. You should not only focus on your future, but you need to focus on the present time as well,” he said.

Author: Galuh Mega Kurnia

Editor : Binti Q. Masruroh

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