UNAIR and UNICEF give 7,270 fabric face masks to Surabaya City Government

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Handover of face masks to Mayor of Surabaya. (Photo: By courtesy )

UNAIR NEWS – The city of Surabaya is getting ready to adopt a new way of life after the decision is made not to proceed with the Large-Scale Social Distancing (PSBB). Thus, the community must be more disciplined and consistent in implementing health protocols to prevent Covid-19 infections.

One of the important and fundamental things in the Covid-19 preventive health protocol is using a mask. Therefore, Faculty of Public Health (FKM) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) in collaboration with UNICEF donated 7,270 masks to the people of Surabaya through the city government on Tuesday, June 9, 2020. The number of masks was adjusted with 727th anniversary of Surabaya.

“The purpose of giving masks to the people of Surabaya is to encourage all of us, Surabaya citizens to be obedient to health protocols to face the new normal,” said Dr. Nyoman Anita Damayanti, drg., MS.

The collaboration between FKM UNAIR and UNICEF has been established since 2015. The manifestation of this collaboration was UNAIR Mother and Child Family-Based Health Care Program (Geliat).

Before donating masks, the UNAIR Geliat team together with UNICEF also held a webinar on health protocols during the pandemic. They also held a creative video contest to promote the health protocols.

“We will also present the results of the competition to the city government so they can be viewed by people in Surabaya,” continued Nyoman, who is also in charge of Geliat.

The types of masks donated are two-layer fabric masks, which can be inserted with tissue to add more layer for adults and children. The masks are inscribed with encouragement to obey health protocols.

The team also gave masks to Bonek and Bonita. The involvement of Bonek and Bonita is expected to make them comply with the health protocols and they can encourage other communities to implement health protocols.

The mask handover was carried out at Surabaya City Hall. There were Tri Rismaharini as Mayor, Dr. Eko Supeno, Drs., M.Si. as Head of LPPM UNAIR, Dr. Nyoman Anita Damayanti, drg., MS as PIC of Geliat, Laura Navika Yamani, S.Si., M.Si., PhD as a member of the Geliat team, and Bonek representatives.

“We hope that all people can obey the health protocols to stay healthy and productive,” stated Nyoman. (*)

Author: Galuh Mega Kurnia

Editor :  Binti Q. Masruroh

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