The role of self-control, opportunity, knowledge, and attitude of plagiarism towards students

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Illustration of plagiarism. (Source: Koran Kaltim)

The issue of plagiarism is crucial for universities in Indonesia. To be considered a world-class university, it requires universities in Indonesia to detect plagiarism and make effective policies. The crucial role of tertiary institutions in carrying out Tri Dharma values of education that are consist of Education and Teaching, Research, and Community Service.

Plagiarism is a dishonesty issue that is a threat to academic integrity and educational institutions. First, cheating behavior threatens justice and trust in assessment instruments so that student evaluation will be inaccurate. Second, the cheating habit will reduce the learning level, and students will not be ready to face the future.

Considering a broader community that includes students who had become alumni of the university, if some of them do not have integrity, the university might be impacted directly. The issue of plagiarism in the short term can reduce the level of student learning, their readiness to excel, and the quality of graduates. Thus, it can reduce academic integrity and moral responsibility of graduates in the long run, which can also have an impact on the reputation of higher education.

The study of plagiarism has been widely carried out in North America (McCabe, 2005), United Kingdom (Selwyn 2008), Australia (Brimble and Stevenson-Clarke 2005, Ryan et al. 2009), and China (Hu and Lei 2012; Mu 2010). However, not many empirical studies have been carried out in Indonesia, despite the many cases of plagiarism. As expressed by Ryan et al. (2009), student awareness of academic integrity and plagiarism is still weak. Without clear standards and consistency in sanctions, plagiarism can continue to threaten the academic integrity of tertiary institutions in Indonesia.

External factors such as the strictness of standards and rules, previous research (eg, Bolin, 2004; Cronan, Mullins & Douglas, 2015) also shows that various internal factors, such as self-control and attitudes towards plagiarism influence student actions in plagiarism.

The research uses quantitative methods, and the object of this research is Universitas Airlangga students from various levels and faculties ranging from undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral students. The selection of research participants is made by sending emails to all students: the data collection process collected via online and non-online (hardcopy). Students can directly fill out the questionnaire on email. This process is expected to attract many participants from various levels and departments at Universitas Airlangga. .

    Data will be analyzed with variance and regression analysis and SPSS program. The process of collecting data using an online survey for one month. The number of respondents was 417 undergraduate students from various faculties at Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia.

Self-control has a negative and significant influence on plagiarism behavior, student knowledge on plagiarism has a negative and significant influence on plagiarism behavior, the attitude has a positive and significant effect on plagiarism behavior, and opportunity has a negative and insignificant influence on plagiarism behavior.

Author: Praptini Yulianti


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