Factors that influence the implementation of situational leadership in hospital

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The success of organization in achieving its goals influence by a leader’s ability to lead an organization. However, leaders often experience obstacles from various factors, both factors that originate from within the individual and outside the individual. Therefore a study was conducted which aimed to consider the factors that influence the application of situational leadership in hospitals.

The study conducted a survey and gave questionnaires containing several questions for respondents. The independent variable is the internal leader factor, the nurse factor, job characteristics, and the independent variable is situational leadership. The instrument was in the form of a questionnaire relating to the leader’s internal factor variables: 25 questions, nurse factors: 13 questions, job characteristics: 10 questions, and situational leadership: 32 questions. Multivariate analysis with multiple linear regression tests used. There is a combined effect of internal leader factors, nurse factors, and job characteristics on the application of situational leadership, where the dominant factor is the nurse factor. The results of multiple linear regression tests obtained significance value of the internal leader factors, nurse, and job characteristics to a leader’s ability to lead its members.

Internal leadership factors of the individual and nurse factors influence the application of situational leadership because each individual will have their characteristics to lead an organization. Job characteristics do not affect the implementation of situational leadership because it will determine the situation and make a difference in leadership. Influential factors are used as a basis for implementing situational leadership in hospitals, referring to aspects of increasing the knowledge and expectations of nurses in providing nursing care to patients.

Author by: Heryyanoor, Nursalam, Abdul Aziz Alimul Hidayat, Raziansyah, Rusdiana, Asni Hasaini

Link: https://www.psychosocial.com/article/PR290108/22798/

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