The power of social media in student career selection after graduation

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This article provides a different perspective on the dimensions that influence graduates to choose career paths after graduating from college. In addition to extrinsic and intrinsic factors, social media factor become a very important factor in influencing the mindset of the graduate.

This article explores the factors that can influence the decision of final year students in choosing jobs. Furthermore, this article discuss the relationship between several theories on career choices of final year students, such as social learning, structural theory, Theory of planned behavior, Behavior theory of reasoned action, and Decision Theory. The factors influencing the choice of final year students in choosing the career after graduating from college are obtained.

Extrinsic and instinctive factors become part of the discussion in this article so that more comprehensive explanation is obtained on the factors that can influence the decisions of the final year students regarding career selection. When they have made a career choice, the student will indirectly prepare themselves by making the effort without feeling bored or even inclined to be comfortable with the efforts made.

Social media becomes a connecting dimension between an individual’s intrinsic and extrinsic factors in career selection. If the information available on social media is information about successful entrepreneurs then there is a tendency for the individual to choose a career as an entrepreneur.

The intrinsic factor is an internal factor from every individual who has graduated from college, so it becomes the focus for every individual in choosing a career to be pursued. Intrinsic and extrinsic factors are fundamental factors that are important in the career selection of an alumni or individual graduated from college. However, many competencies possessed from intrinsic and extrinsic factors are not able to be translated or implemented for career selection.

Social media which is the connecting dimension of environmental changes that make every individual graduated from college to choose available career based on the competency of intrinsic and extrinsic factors.

Author: A A Gde Satia Utama, Arif Widyatama

Department of Accounting

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