FKM Alumni Association and Persakmi launch book on healthy empowered village

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Launching of Social Determination Book on Stunting Countermeasures: Participatory Action Research in Healthy Empowered Villages Focusing on Stunting Management by Persakmi and IKA FKM UNAIR. (Photo: By courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – The Healthy Empowered Village Program (Desa Sedaya) is a program initiated by the Association of Public Health Professionals (Persakmi) and FKM Alumni Association Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) to address health problems in the community. The program was implemented in six villages, three villages in Malang and three villages in Kediri.

Hario Megatsari S.KM., M.Kes as a member of the healthy empowered village program team and Head of Health Promotion and Behavioral Science Department (PKIP) Faculty of Public Health UNAIR explained that the program was motivated by the complex health problems in Indonesia. The Government of Indonesia, through Ministry of Health and other ministries has sought to overcome existing health problems, but not all health problems have been resolved in a complete manner.

“The village as a strategic regional unit in the era of President Jokowi’s administration can contribute in solving existing health problems,” said the lecturer known as Fisto.

The government has placed midwife and nurse at the village level for curative and rehabilitative programs. However, the placement of medical workers is incomplete if there are no medical workers working on promotive and preventive aspects.

For this reason, Sedaya Village program seeks to address this problem. The program places a scholar of Public Health (S.KM) in the partner villages, so the scholar can carry out health promotion and disease prevention activities at village level.

“The basic philosophy carried out by these S.KM colleagues is connecting the un-connected and filling the gap, ” he continued.

Public Health scholar placement is appropriate because they have the competences for four years of education, they have gained knowledge and strategies to develop programs that are promotive and preventive.

The program also carried out active participation research which was then documented in two book works. It is also published in five scientific articles published in accredited and reputable national journals, SINTA 2.

“It is hoped that the process documentation can be used as learning and guidance for replication in other regions in the Republic of Indonesia,” explained Fisto.

On Monday, June 1, 2020, Faculty of Public Health Alumni Association UNAIR and Persakmi launched the book titled Social Determination Book on Stunting Countermeasures: Participatory Action Research in Healthy Empowered Villages Focusing on Stunting Management. The event was attended by some parties, including Drs. A. Halim Iskandar, M.Pd as the Minister of Village, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration, Republic of Indonesia; Emanuel Malkiades Laka Lena, S.Si.Apt as Deputy Commission IX of House of Representatives; Evi Zainal Abidin as a Member of Regional Representative Council of Republic of Indonesia in East Java District; Prof. Dr. Moh. Nasih SE., MT., Ak., CMA as Rector of UNAIR; Dr. Herlin Herliana M. Kes as Head of East Java Provincial Health Office; Prof. Ridwan Amiruddin as Chairman of Persakmi; and Estiningtyas Nurgraheni S.KM., MARS as the Head of IKA FKM UNAIR via zoom. (*)

Author: Galuh Mega Kurnia

Editor : Binti Q. Masruroh

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