The effects of salinity on growth of comet goldfish

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Comet goldfish. (Source:

Comet goldfish (Carassius Auratus Auratus) is one of the commodities of freshwater ornamental fish that has a high market demand value. The high demand for ornamental fish in other areas besides the central area of ornamental fish is caused because not all regions are freshwater areas, so it is difficult to cultivate these ornamental fish.

The cultivation of comet goldfish is usually done in freshwater waters with a salinity of 0 ppt, but not all regions in Indonesia have a salinity of water 0 ppt. Therefore the maintenance of comet goldfish with salinity is one solution for cultivating the fish.

The hepatotosomatic observation of the index and the growth of comet goldfish can be used as a parameter to observe fish farming with salinity. The results of our research show that up to the salinity of 12-ppt comet goldfish can still survive 100% with the hepatotosomatic value of the index, which similar to comet goldfish maintained at salinity 0 ppt. Nevertheless, the fish should be under 12 ppt to achieve the expected growth.

Based on the results of the study, higher weight-increase salinity decreases, and it can increase the production of comet goldfish as ornamental fish by doing cultivation on-site with a salinity of water conditions. (*)

Author: Laksmi Sulmartiwi


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