Seventeen UNAIR researchers receive presidential mandate to accelerate COVID-19 handling

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UNAIR NEWS – Seventeen researchers of Universitas Airlangga officially received COVID-19 research and innovation mandate. Conducted online, the Decree for researchers was symbolically accepted by UNAIR Rector Prof. Dr. H. Mohammad Nasih, MT., SE., Ak, CMA from the Head of COVID-19 Research and Innovation Consortium Prof. dr. Ali Ghufron Mukti, M.Sc., Ph.D on Thursday, June 4, 2020.

The handover of the decree was witnessed by Vice Rectors Universitas Airlangga with staffs, representatives of Ministry of Research and Technology, National Research and Innovation Agency, Universitas Airlangga Hospital Management, also with UNAIR and ITS research teams.

In his presentation, Prof. Ali Ghufron conveyed his enthusiasm and expressed his gratitude to Indonesian researchers who remain united to produce new research and innovations in facing and completing COVID-19 pandemic. Some of the researches and innovations, he continued, were mostly produced by UNAIR and ITS researchers.

“There are four categories of research and innovation groups to accelerate the handling of COVID-19 which will be studied by UNAIR and ITS researchers. Among them include prevention, screening and diagnosis, medical equipment and support, as well as drugs and therapy, “he said.

Prof. Ali Ghufron hoped for three values coming from the innovation, appropriate technology, added value, and import substitution or reduction.

Meanwhile, in his remarks Prof. Nasih also expressed his gratitude for being entrusted with carrying out research and innovation activities directed directly by the Ministry of Research and Technology together with the National Research and Innovation Agency (Kemenristekbrin). UNAIR is committed to handling COVID-19 from upstream to downstream, from handling to discovery of vaccines. Because so far, the vaccine is usually produced abroad.

“We hope that this innovation will produce something useful for the homeland and the nation and we carry out this mandate as well as possible. For us there is no day without participation, “he said.

In addition to several activities carried out with the consortium, UNAIR is also involved with other partners. In this regard, UNAIR will continue its efforts to produce a special vaccine for the Indonesian community that is tested on a local virus. The research is conducted in collaboration with foreign researchers.

Furthermore, Prof. Dr. Ni Nyoman Tri Puspaningsih, Dra., M.Si was proud of UNAIR researchers as given the opportunity and trusted to serve together in improving the nation’s independence. She also hoped this research can spread benefits for the people of Indonesia.

“Hopefully this will be a good step for Indonesian research by proving its research in a short time. It means that Indonesia is capable if we are all united and do this together,” she concluded.

Author: Khefti Al Mawalia

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