Bridging Digital Literacy, UNAIR Faculty of Advanced Technology and Multidiscipline (FTMM) with RTIK Tuban hold online classes

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Illustration by FTMM UNAIR

UNAIR News — The more widespread technology and the issue of technological sophistication in the industrial era 4.0 encourages people to adapt. But in reality, many people do not have the opportunity to gain knowledge about information technology (IT). Along with its programs, UNAIR, through faculty programs, seeks to provide education to support the fourth SDG regarding the availability of quality education to communities in underdeveloped villages.

In order to bridge the digital literacy gap, UNAIR Faculty of Advanced Technology and Multidiscipline, in collaboration with the ICT Volunteer community (RTIK), held online classes, which were held in 4 meetings. The online classes will be held in June and July 2020. The provision of education regarding digital literacy aims to provide education related to information technology (IT) to the public, especially the younger generation in villages that still have low technological literacy.

The Online Class Program is divided into four meetings with different themes and a duration of 2 hours. At the first meeting, Yutika Amelia Efendi, S.Kom, M.Kom (4/06/20) discussed the “Implications of IoT as a Community Service System.” Then, at the second meeting, the material on “The Role of Technology in Combating COVID-19” was delivered by Amila Sofiah, S.T, M.T. (14/06/20).

The third meeting talked about “Data Science Technology and Future Potential.” This theme was presented by Muhammad Noor Fakhruzzaman, S. Kom., MS., who reviews Data Science (12/07/20). “What is data science?” Muhammad began. “Literally, science is science, data is data, so data science is the study of data.” In the implementation of Data Science, Muhammad gave an easy-to-understand example through the ‘recommendation’ feature in the Tokopedia application. Muhammad commented that the recommended items on Tokopedia were based on data, what items we have been looking for or often buy.

“In the future, data science has great potential in health, communications and social, industry, and finance and business,” he said.

Ratih Ardiati Ningrum S.Si.,M.S.,M.Stat., presented “Preparation for Excellence in Data Science Technology 2030” at the last meeting (19/07/20). In starting the discussion, Ratih mentioned the challenges faced and ICT is very important to be mastered.

“When we just entered industry 4.0, the Japanese state was already getting ready to enter the era of society 5.0. So, in realizing data science technology, preparation is needed, such as analytical skills, programming, problem-solving, life-long learning, having high curiosity, and increasing experience,” she explained.

The existence of classes for the general public on the importance of knowledge is in line with the fourth SDG target, which is to ensure that all receive the same quality of education. In addition, the knowledge gained can also increase community employment opportunities.

Author: Nenie Tamarisca Petrisia

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia 

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