Stories of Pharmacy alumni amid pandemic abroad

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UNAIR NEWS – UNAIR Pharmacy Alumni Association (ALFAS) held an online Halal Bihalal and talkshow via zoom on Monday, June 1, 2020. Attended by 170 participants, the event also featured lecturers, practitioners and professional pharmacy alumni of UNAIR. The program entitled Think Innovative Creative, Take Opportunity Courage also shared stories from UNAIR Pharmacy alumni who are currently working and studying abroad.

The first story came from class 2011 Pharmacy alumni, Fadhil. The student who is studying at Rotterdam University in the Netherlands revealed that despite applying lockdown, the Dutch community still found it difficult to stay indoors so that there were still many people who remained outside their homes. However, the Dutch people adhere to the rules of social distancing.

“Here, all activities have been online since January. Then, continued with a lockdown. Distance regulation in various places are also strict. In fact, I have to wait for hours to take the train because the distance rules also limit the number of passengers, “said Fadhil, who focused on working on his thesis.

Fadhil also appreciates the active steps of Dutch Indonesian Student Association (PPI) to accommodate Indonesian students who were trapped in a lockdown situation. “PPI Netherlands often do gymnastics together, yoga classes via Zoom . Let Indonesian students here stay connected and not stressed, “he said.

The Netherlands itself had experienced limited PPE and masks so that the government set higher price regulations for the community. However, the Dutch government consistently provides vitamin subsidies for the community. “Yesterday I even got one free,” Fadhil said while showing the vitamin bottle on his laptop screen.

Meanwhile, another story came from Fajar, from class of 2005 who was working and studying in Canada. The country does not set a lockdown, but social restrictions like Indonesia. Various public activities and services are limited so that Fajar experiences several obstacles, and even laid off.

“In Canada, I’m paying my own study. So, I have two jobs here. One was dismissed because several economic sectors were closed. Fortunately, the Canadian government is very supportive of all victims of layoffs. We are given around two thousand dollars per month, “said Fajar, who is experienced in the science of drug regulation and medical devices.

The UNAIR Pharmacy alumnus who was an intern in a multinational consultant group said that what he missed the most during the pandemic was Indonesian food. “The distance of my apartment is close to the Consulate General. Usually if there is halalbihalal, Eid, eating. Karna Covid-19, so not there again shows that, “he said.

Besides from alumni in the Netherlands and Canada, there was also Evhy, a 2003 UNAIR Pharmacy alumna who is studying in China. The three of them tried to give encouragement to Pharmacy UNAIR alumni who were working against Covid-19 in Indonesia. ALFAS also collected donations intended for Covid-19 treatment at Airlangga Hospital and Dr. Soetomo. The fund raising collected up to 25 million rupiah. (*)

Author: Intang Arifia

Editor: Feri Fenoria

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