Faculty of Veterinary Medicine ’85 alumni distribute aid for COVID-19 handling through Puspas

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UNAIR NEWS – Since it was opened two months ago, the charity fundraising, Corona Care, initiated by Universitas Airlangga’s Social Fund Management Center (Puspas) has received positive responses from various parties. Many were moved to help medical workers by making donation in forms of cash or medical equipment.

Concern for medical staff was also demonstrated by alumni of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FKH) UNAIR class ’85 who on Monday, April 27, gave the donation to Puspas. It was conveyed by the alumni representative, Prof. Dr. Drh. Anwar Ma’ruf, M. Kes.

“Lately, we often see news on difficulties faced by medical personnel in obtaining health equipment such as personal protective equipment (PPE) when the number of residents infected with the corona virus has also increased. Knowing that problem, an initiative arose to raise funds from a friend of ours, ” he explained.

After some communication, the fundraising initiative was finally approved by all alumni of FKH UNAIR class of ’85. For approximately one week, they successfully collected donations in the form of cash worth 15 million. It was then immediately given to Puspas so that it can be distributed to medical personnel in need.

“Last Monday, I handed over the cash donation from FKH UNAIR alumni of ’85, with my colleague, Drh. Dina Mantovani, to Puspas represented by Dr. Tika Widiastuti, SE., M.Si., as the head. The purpose of this donation was especially for medical staff who are on duty at UNAIR Tropical Disease Hospital (RSPT), “explained Prof. Anwar.

The FKH UNAIR alumnus who now serves as Vice Director I of UNAIR Postgraduate School said that the donation is expected to be managed well by Puspas to ease the task of medical staff in dealing with the corona virus pandemic.

“We also encouraged the public to view this pandemic as a serious health problem. Don’t underestimate it. The community must carry out health protocols provided by the government, including physical distancing, often washing hands, wearing masks when going out, and improving body immunity, “he added.

The fundraising initiative undertaken by alumni of FKH UNAIR class ’85 was appreciated by Dr. Tika According to her, the corona virus pandemic happened suddenly, so there is no prior budget planning when there is a great need of medical personnel and hospital to treat patients.

“We are thankful that finally many UNAIR academicians and the wider community provide supports, both morally and materially. In fact, donations for medical equipment is fulfilled. Therefore, now we prioritize donations of cash, ” she said. (*)

Author: Nabila Amelia

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia

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