Consumption behavior in Ramadan during Virus Pandemic

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Illustration of  consumptive behavior during Ramadan. (Source: Wego)

UNAIR NEWS – Unlike the previous year, since the Covid-19 to Indonesia, the Government has begun to establish several policies limiting the activities of people outside the home. As a result, this month of Ramadan feels a little different.

The arrival of the holy month of Muslims is celebrated with seasonal culinary businesses. A potential market demand makes this business promising. However, due to the current situation, it required different strategies.

Lecturer of Economics and Business Faculty (FEB) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) Dr. Tri Siwi Agustina, SE, M.Si said that consumptive behavior during Ramadan is usually increased compared to the other 11 months.

“Consumers tend to buy variations in food and beverage types. Despite coinciding with the Corona Virus pandemic, this behavior has not changed, but it is different, “she said when interviewed on Sunday, April 26.

According to her, the activity can be seen in the three different zones during Ramadan. The first 10-day zone, the middle 10-day zone, and the last 10-day zone.

“The first 10 days zone is the time when people make adjustments in fasting. Usually, they tend to buy several types of food in order to fulfill their desire, “she said.

Faculty of Economics and business lecturer of Universitas Airlangga Dr. Tri Siwi Agustina, SE, M.Si

In this zone, parents will stimulate their children to do fasting. Therefore, food products for the children’s market segments also need to be prepared.

In the mid-10-day zone, the circumstances did not differ considerably from the first 10-day zone. “Generally, the number of buyers offerings will start to decrease because there will be buka bersama or known as breaking-of-the-fast gathering. However, since its current condition is not possible, the Mid 10 day zone will not undergo many changes, “she explained.

Meanwhile, the situation in the last 10 days or the eve of Idul Fitri this year is slightly different from the previous years. The demand for food and beverage packaging will increase, especially in large cities.

“There is a prohibition of mudik or known as travel to hometown for Idul Fitri. Thus, eateries or stalls are closed, producers should provide culinary products in large portions because the demand for culinary products will increase,” she closed. (*)

Author: Erika Eight Novanty

Editor : Binti Q. Masruroh

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