Not only producing, UNAIR Pharmacy lecturer with IAI Surabaya distribute hand sanitizer for community

Read more about the article Not only producing, UNAIR Pharmacy lecturer with IAI Surabaya distribute hand sanitizer for community
One of the online motorcycle taxi riders got a hand sanitizer during a social service conducted by several lecturers from the Faculty of Pharmacy UNAIR and the Indonesian Pharmacist Association (IAI) Surabaya. (Personal Doc.)

UNAIR NEWS - After being announced as a pandemic by World Health Organization (WHO), Covid-19 continues to spread today. People are advised to always maintain personal hygiene, by often wash…

Continue ReadingNot only producing, UNAIR Pharmacy lecturer with IAI Surabaya distribute hand sanitizer for community

Tak Hanya Produksi, Dosen Farmasi UNAIR Bersama IAI Surabaya Bagi Hand Sanitizer untuk Masyarakat

Read more about the article Tak Hanya Produksi, Dosen Farmasi UNAIR Bersama IAI Surabaya Bagi Hand Sanitizer untuk Masyarakat
Salah satu pekerja ojek online mendapatkan hand sanitizer saat bakti sosial yang dilakukan oleh beberapa dosen Fakultas Farmasi UNAIR dan Ikatan Apoteker Indonesia (IAI) Surabaya. (Dok. Pribadi)

UNAIR NEWS - Setelah diumumkan sebagai pandemi oleh World Health Organization (WHO), Virus Corona atau Covid-19 masih terus menyebar hingga saat ini. Masyarakat diimbau untuk selalu menjaga kebersihan diri, salah…

Continue ReadingTak Hanya Produksi, Dosen Farmasi UNAIR Bersama IAI Surabaya Bagi Hand Sanitizer untuk Masyarakat