Building creativity at work

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Creativity is a positive force for organizations, because as a driver of innovation and organizational success in a competitive environment. Organizations must create a work environment that supports creative thinking. Employee original performance is a manifestation of the behavior of the creative abilities possessed by employees so that they can provide new ideas in solving problems encountered. Organizations can build creative performance through leaders who are always empowering subordinates, the suitability of employee interest in work, the suitability of work in the ability and expertise of employees to increase confidence in doing creativity in action.

Suitability of an individual with work is a match between one’s abilities and the demands of the job, or one’s needs and desires and what is provided by the job. The suitability of an individual with work refers to the level of compatibility that an individual has with his work, and there are two perspectives in person-job, such as demand-abilities perspective (DA-fit) and supply-value perspective (SV-fit). From the DA-fit perspective, compatibility can be achieved when the individual has sufficient knowledge, skills, and abilities to meet the demands of their work. Through the SV-fit view, a match can be reached when an offer by a job matches the needs, preferences, and desires of an individual. Individual suitability with work that demands creativity can be realized if employees have the knowledge, skills, abilities of creativity, and the organization can facilitate a work environment that supports creativity. It will increase employee confidence to be creative so that employees will have creative self-efficacy.

Empowering leadership is a leader who encourages the participation of subordinates in decision making, given the freedom to innovate and act on their own. Providing power from leaders to subordinates with high autonomy so that they can take the initiative in making employee decisions every day.

The ability of leaders to provide autonomy will increase the positive mindset and self-efficacy of subordinates. Empowering leadership can encourage the knowledge of assistants to contribute creatively. Such behavior can increase self-efficacy due to positive emotional support and persuasive words.

Employees who have a level of creative self-efficacy will tend to choose to engage in creative activities and remain motivated to generate new and useful ideas. Creative self-efficacy can encourage creative performance on employees.

The population in this study are employees of the television media in Surabaya with criteria in the division whose work demands creativity. Data collection through questionnaires, the total questionnaires that have been sent are 157 questionnaires, but only 154 questionnaires are eligible to be processed because 3 questionnaires are invalid. This study is testing the hypothesis using the Partial Least Square (PLS) analysis with SmartPLS 2.0 program.

The results of this study are all significant proven hypotheses. Empowering leadership contributes more to influencing creative self-efficacy than Person – job fit both DA-fit and SV-fit perspectives. Furthermore, creative self-efficacy also affects significant employee creative performance.

Author: Dr. Praptini Yulianti, SE, Msi


Praptini Yulianti and Indrianawati Usman (2019). Building employee creative performance : through Person – Job fit, Empowering leadership and creativity self efficacy. International journal of Innovation and Creativity and change, Volume 9, issue 8, 2019

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