The current conditions that increasingly competitive, dynamic globally demand the stakeholders must have high motivation on organization, especially in company. In a dynamic business environment like this, companies must continuously adapt and grow. Some things that make a company have to change and manage resources effectively can be competition, technology, social, economic, cultural, customer, and the demands of the company itself. Companies that use open systems are oriented towards the desires and needs of stakeholders, and the opposite of open systems is a closed system that does not heed the interests of shareholders. For example, a company produces output without knowing customer desire.
Organizations that adopt an open system will tend to emphasize innovation and continuous learning that is more decentralized. In contrast, organizations that embrace a closed system are more conservative and less oriented towards innovation and existing markets. BUMN companies in East Java put more emphasis on knowledge management to survive in an uncertain environment. Knowledge management itself in the process of three activities include knowledge creation, knowledge sharing, and knowledge reuse. One of the knowledge management processes that have an essential role in a company is knowledge sharing.
Knowledge sharing: The Key of Successful Organization
Knowledge should be coordinated, synthesized information, and a summary of meaningful understanding. Knowledge in a company should offer a different thing that has more value, and this needs knowledge sharing that will be very effective and efficient for the company. Knowledge sharing is a process of mutual discussion, exchanging ideas, ideas as examples of know-what and know-how so that the company will continue to have high competitiveness.
Knowledge sharing needs to be supported with great work ethics such as respecting each other, trusting each other, and has facilities that suit your needs. Thus, it will help the company to develop its best potential.
Organizations that implement knowledge sharing can have good value and systematics, both within and outside the company. The ability of resources to convey tacit and explicit knowledge will have its points for the company, which makes the company unique and useful in innovating.
This research implement quantitative approach or positivistic method based on positivist philosophy. This method is also said to be a scientific method which has fulfilled the principles: concrete/empirical, objective, measurable, rational, systematic, and replicable. The research instrument in the form of a questionnaire containing a statement that distributed to supervisors of all divisions in companies engaged in the port service sector PT. Pelindo III (Persero). (300 supervisors.)
In the research conducted, the result can make an extraordinary contribution to support and explain the importance of the theory of knowledge research. From this hypothesis and analysis, it was found that by providing insight into the vital role of attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control for encouraging knowledge sharing behavior through high intention to share knowledge. The research is expected to be a bridge for a company in dealing with various uncertain situations. In essence, by managing and sharing their knowledge. Besides, this research can be a reference in the development of management science, especially human resource management, which significantly determines the success of an organization.
Author: Prof. Dr. Anis Eliyana, S.E., M.Si
Hindah Mustika, Anis Eliyana, Tri Siwi Agustina. 2019. Antecedents of Knowledge Sharing Behaviour. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change. Volume 8, Issue 2.