UNAIR and partners create synergy to overcome Covid-19 pandemic

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UNAIR Rector Prof. Nasih (in the middle) receives partners’ visit to provide Covid-19 rapid test equipment. (Photo: Aditya Gita R)

UNAIR NEWS – Covid-19 pandemic hit various parts of the world has made many parties to work together. Not only medical workers with their important role to handle the pandemic, many other parties such as entrepreneurs, academics, the media industry, and even from the grassroots community have come together to overcome Covid-19 pandemic.

It is also carried out by Universitas Airlangga together with Jawa Pos and several social institutions. The synergy carried out this time was in the form of providing 1000 Covid-19 rapid test kits that were gathered by Indonesia Sejahtera Barokah Foundation, Pelangi Hidup Bersama Foundation through Jawa Pos and then handed over to UNAIR.

The handover of the Covid-19 rapid test kits was done directly by the relevant parties at UNAIR on Monday, April 13. Being held at Balairua Hall Management Office, the event was attended by UNAIR Rector Prof. Nasih, Jawa Pos President Director Leak Kustiyo, Chairman of Indonesia Sejahtera Barokah Foundation Yasin Wijaya, with other management members.

On that occasion, Prof. Nasih said that the aid provided will be very useful for the medical team working at UNAIR Hospital (RSUA) and UNAIR Tropical Disease Institute (LPT). Later, added Prof. Nasih, the 1000 kits received will be immediately handed over to the medical team that carry out the services.

“We are, of course, very grateful to many who have helped. Especially for Jawa Pos, which has initiated the fundraising, “he said.

Meanwhile, Leak Kustiyo on the same occasion also said that it was indeed part of the role of the Jawa Pos to continue to garner a lot of aid from the public and then handed them over to various institutions in need. One of them is UNAIR which has a referral hospital and laboratory to conduct Covid-19 tests.

“And we will continue to do this,” he said.

Not much different, Yasin Wijaya said that as the party who donated the rapid test kit, the kit was in accordance with applicable international standards. Although funding through the private sector, he continued, his party brought them in through official channels from the Ministry of Health.

“And hopefully this tool can be useful to fight against Covid-19,” he concluded.

Author: Nuri Hermawan.

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