UNAIR NEWS – Coronavirus or Covid-19 has been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) since March 11. Overall, the application of social distancing is an effort to reduce the number of spread of the virus.
In order to reduce the spread of the virus, people are asked to work from home (WFH) and maintain safe distance when interacting outside the home. Some institutions even apply work and study from home until the end of this April. Of course, this pandemic has various impacts on society, especially those who earn income on daily basis from services, such as pedicab drivers.
To that end, the Oral Disease specialist program Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga on Friday, April 3, 2020 shared what they have with low-income community, such as pedicab drivers and tire patchers. It was done as encouragement of empathy and a sense of humanity towards others to contribute to the Covid-19 pandemic.
“This activity is related to the Coronavirus pandemic because in this condition almost all activities in offices, lectures and economic activities are all affected,” said Prof. Diah Savitri, drg., MSi., Sp. PM as Head of Oral Disease Department.
Prof. Diah continued, the economic condition of poor communities due to Covid-19 was very much affected. She gave an example, the income of pedicab drivers is reduced because people stay at home.
” Even though they have to stay alive with their incomes that are just barely enough,” said Prof. Diah Savitri, an expert in oral disease.
Department of Oral Disease takes part in sharing happiness to poor community. In total there are 40 food packages, each with a value of one hundred thousand rupiah.
Prof. Diah really appreciated the social activities. She is proud of the resident’s empathy who wants to share to others in need.
“Hopefully the environment can be moved to help each other in this difficult time,” said Prof. Diah. (*)
Author: Ratna Nurlia Alfiandini
Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh