Dental caries is the most common and chronic oral disease, especially in children. Dental caries itself is caused by deposition of dental plaque on the tooth surface. The number of dental caries in children has increased due to uncontrolled sugar intake, poor practice of oral care and inadequate utilization of healthcare services.
Previous research revealed that the prevalence of dental caries in Indonesia is higher in urban children, especially in the city of Surabaya, which is the second largest capital city with Javanese as the majority.
The fact shows dental caries in children can cause pain, discomfort, eating disorders, tooth loss and speech delay. Furthermore, it can also affect the concentration of children in school and the cost of dental care can be financial burden for families.
This is what inspired a research team from Universitas Airlangga to conduct research. In this study, we want to examine the prevalence of dental caries and related factors in elementary school children in Surabaya, as a metropolitan city with the largest Javanese population in Indonesia.
Knowledge of children about the use of toothbrush, brushing time, uncontrolled consumption of sugars, cannot be separated from the father’s attention in providing examples of ways to prevent dental caries. Facts show that toothbrush use, sweet food consumption and father’s education level are factors that are associated with dental caries in children.
This research is expected to show them that preventive measures are very important for oral health, such as health education about oral hygiene, dietary habits, and the importance of dental care visits are mandatory for children.
Author: Dr. Taufan Bramantoro
Referensi: Bramantoro, T. Setijanto, R.D. Palupi, P. Aghazy, AZ. Irmalia, WR. Dental Caries and Associated Factors among Primary School Children in Metropolitan City with the Largest Javanese Race Population: A Crosssectional Study. Contemporary Clinical Dentistry, 2019, 10 (2), 274-283.