Work with heart
A joint statement by the medical professional organization on March 27, 2020, appealed to the state to guarantee the appropriate […]
A joint statement by the medical professional organization on March 27, 2020, appealed to the state to guarantee the appropriate […]
Pernyataan bersama organisasi profesi kesehatan pada 27 Maret 2020 memohon kepada negara untuk menjamin Alat Pelindung Diri (APD) yang sesuai
Dental caries is the most common and chronic oral disease, especially in children. Dental caries itself is caused by deposition
Karies gigi merupakan penyakit mulut paling umum dan kronis, terutama pada anak-anak. Karies gigi sendiri disebabkan oleh endapan plak gigi
Islamic boarding schools (pesantren) are Islamic-based educational institutions with a boarding school system, where students and teachers live in the
Pondok pesantren merupakan lembaga pendidikan berbasis islam dengan sistem sekolah asrama, dimana santri dan ustadz tinggal di lingkungan yang sama
Dragon fruit is popular in many countries in the world, including in Indonesia. Three types have been commercialized are Hylocereus
Buah naga sangat populer di banyak negara di dunia termasuk di Indonesia. Ada tiga jenis yang telah dikomersialkan, yaitu Hylocereus
UNAIR NEWS – During Coronavirus or Covid-19 pandemic, UNAIR continues to make efforts to handle and prevent it together with
UNAIR NEWS – Dalam situasi pandemi Virus Corona atau Covid-19, saat ini UNAIR terus melakukan penanganan dan pencegahan bersama lembaga