Winning various scientific writing competition, Qurais Syihab becomes an outstanding graduate

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UNAIR NEWS – Living far away from hometown is undoubtedly not an easy thing. No exception for Qurais Syihab, Outstanding Graduates from Faculty of Veterinary Medicine UNAIR. For the students from Polewali, living independently without a family is not an easy journey.

However, it did not prevent Qurais to carve a lot of achievements. During the 3.5 years of his studies, he actively participated in various organizations and volunteering organizations at Children’s Cancer Foundation in East Java and Save Street Child social community. In the social community, he has the opportunity to learn with street children and adolescents.

“All these activities that I participate require sacrifice and full responsibility for what I give,” said Qurais.

Qurais also actively participated in writing scientific papers and essays, especially related to the scope of his profession as a prospective veterinarian. He successfully won the first winner at 2017 UGM National Zoology Olympiad and the first winner of LKTI VEIN held by Universitas Brawijaya.

“I believe with scientific writing, and I can show that animal is also an important subject and has a position in an environment that we must be aware of,” the story of Qurais.

“Therefore, most of the themes I take are related to animals and the environment in the perception of a veterinary student,” he continued.

Besides, Qurais also briefly became a speaker at IVSL International Interactive Discussion Program in Bandung. He was also a delegate at the event held by the Korean Society of Hypertension in South Korea and ISSA Congress in Austria.

After completing his undergraduate degree, Qurais hopes to become a government veterinarian and a businessman in the field of animal husbandry. He hopes to represent veterinarians in government who are still underestimated by the public.

“If we avoid a struggle, we might do more harm to ourselves than benefit it. We may never be our true selves, ” he advised.

Author: Sukma Cindra Pratiwi

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia

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