Production improvement of Ephipia M. macrocopa by enriching bran suspension with Bali sardinella fish oil

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Illustration of Bali sardinella fish oil. (Source:

Indonesia has many species of zooplankton that can be developed as natural feed for fish and shrimp larvae, such as from the crustacean group, kladosera, Moina macrocopa . Moina macrocopa is a zooplankton measuring ± 400-2000um with high nutritional value (50-60% protein), comparable to that of Artemia nutrition.

The use of Moina macrocopa as natural food is currently constrained by the unavailability of dormant embryos (ephipia) such as Artemia cysts which can be stored and hatched at any time. Therefore, we need to find a new breakthrough in order to produce dormant embryos (ephipia) Moina macrocopa, in large quantities.

Our research group at Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Universitas Airlangga has managed to find technology to produce Moina macrocopa ephipia using rice bran suspension feed, but the production of ephipia produced is still low in quantity and quality. The low production of ephipia is caused by the low content of omega-3 fatty acids in rice bran.

On this basis, we collaborate with our research team to try to increase the production of Moina macrocopa ephipia through the enrichment of ω-3 fatty acids in bran suspension with the addition of Bali sardinella fish oil. Bali sardinella fish oil which is rich in ω-3 is widely produced by Banyuwangi community from fish processing industry waste so it’s very easy to get.

The addition of Bali sardinella fish oil in rice bran suspension can increase the production of Moina macrocopa ephipia to 3452 ± 43.0 grains / liter with addition of 6% Bali sardinella fish oil, which is higher than without the addition of Bali sardinella fish oil by 1893 ± 34.8 grain / liter.

The results of our research will be able to contribute in the independence of the fisheries business in Indonesia, especially in the provision of natural food for the production of fish and shrimp seeds in Indonesia. (*)

Author: Reni Oktaviani, Ahmad Shofy Mubarak, Sudarno Sudarno

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