UNAIR NEWS – Coronavirus outbreak in various parts of the world has brought a serious concern, mainly for the affected area. In Indonesia, after the entry of the coronavirus some time ago, various methods were taken by the community to avoid the threat of the virus. One of them by strengthening the body’s immunity.
To that end, as an effort to strengthen the body’s immunity, Professor of Universitas Airlangga Prof. Dr. Mangestuti Agil Apt., MS., invited administrative staff of the Faculty of Pharmacy to enjoy herbal drinks (jamu). The activity held in several FF UNAIR rooms, in the afternoon break on Tuesday, March 10.
On that occasion, besides going into rooms where the staff work, Prof. Mangestuti also provided insight about the properties and benefits of herbal drinks. For her, the culture of consuming herbal drink should become a habit both at work and at home.
“Health is the most important thing. For that reason, consuming herbal drink must be routine and be a culture both at work and at home, ” she said.

Furthermore, Prof. Mangestuti also suggested the staff to drink herbal medicine at least twice a week. Regarding how to prepare it, for her, whether it is sweet or bitter, it is important to keep taking herbal drink regularly.
“The taste can be sweetened with various types of sugar or honey. But the main thing is to consume it regularly, ” she said. “It’s better to have a mixture of empon-empon with sugar or palm sugar. But I don’t use sugar often, ” she added.
When the staff were enjoying the drinks, they asked questions from efficacy, how to make it, to the effective pattern of consuming herbal drinks. Responding to questions, Prof. Mangestuti gave a clear explanation.
“Remember, herbs are not for treatment but prevention from disease. Therefore, it must be processed properly and drink regularly, ” she explained. “Convey this to your families and children,” she concluded.
Author: Nuri Hermawan