This is how to maintain women’s reproductive health during menstruation

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UNAIR NEWS – Menstruation is an essential reproductive process for a woman. Menstruation is a marker for women’s maturity and a sign of women’s readiness to be a mother. A good menstrual process will affect the quality of women’s reproductive health. Therefore, women who are experiencing menstruation must maintain their reproductive health to stay healthy.

Dr. Lestari Sudaryanti, dr., M. Kes., a lecturer in the three-year vocational program (D3) of Nursing at Faculty of Vocational Studies (FV) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) explained several ways to maintain reproductive health for menstruating women. Dr. Lestari said that menstrual blood is a good breeding medium for germs.

“Menstrual blood is a good breeding medium for germs,” she said.

There are several things women can do to maintain reproductive health during menstruation. First, choose a safe menstrual pad. Women must use menstrual pads free of various types of hazardous materials and are comfortable to use. So, when women want to use the menstrual pad, make sure there are no dangerous substances in them such as bleach.

Second, replace the pads regularly. Humid conditions that occur during menstruation can cause skin irritation.

“Humid conditions also cause various complaints, such as skin irritation. This skin irritation can reduce skin defense as part of the body’s defense against the entry of germs, ” she explained.

Dr. Lestari added, changing the pads regularly aims to prevent humidity in the female reproductive organs. Women are recommended to replace pads at least twice a day. If menstrual blood comes out a lot, it is advisable to change pads more frequently than usual at regular intervals.

“Replacing menstrual pad aims to prevent women’s intimate areas from humid condition,” she said.

Third, wash the vulva area with clean water. The vulva is the entrance to the main female reproductive organ, the uterus.

If you are not menstruating, the area can be cleaned using only clean water to maintain pH balance. The use of special soaps during menstruation is allowed to reduce or kill germs developing due to the use of pads.

“Wash the vulva area with clean water. During menstruation, cleaning it with clean water to maintain pH is enough, ” she said.

“The use of soap may change the acid’s condition into bases. But the use of soap is permitted during menstruation. The reason is to reduce or kill germs that develop due to the use of pads, ” she added. (*)

Author: Icha Nur Imami Puspita

Editor: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i

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