Participating in the internship program in Malaysia, Khoirotun Layyinah becomes best graduate

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UNAIR NEWS – “The wheel of life keeps on spinning, and sometimes it can be above sometimes also below.” said Khoirotun Layyinah, A.Md from Faculty of Vocational Studies graduated in March 2020 succeeded in becoming the best graduates with GPA of 3.94.

During 2.5 years of studying in the library D3, there were so many unforgettable memories that she faced. Although not everything runs smoothly, her motivation to continue education is high.

“The 5th semester was an unforgettable time for me, and I have to prepare for my final project,” she said. At the same time, she continued, I joined a volunteer program organized by Faculty of Humanities UNAIR Reading Room.

The internship program at University of Malaya Library, Malaysia is one of the memorable experiences. “I get a lot of new knowledge about libraries as a bonus to learn about the culture that developed in there,” She said

She also showed her gratitude for the support and enthusiasm of her closest friends, parents in particular, and she manages to complete her study in 2.5 years.

The final project of her study entitled “Online Directory of Animal Care in Java and Bali.” She raised this topic is because she has a fondness for animals, and animal care information is still very minimal.

“I’m trying to gather information about animal hospitals and clinics in Java and Bali, it is hoped that it can help animal lovers in particular, in searching for information about pet care, health, and beauty,” she said.

“As a graduate of library studies, I want to build a good self-image of librarians, especially myself, and I want to eliminate the stigma that develops in the community about librarians and libraries,” she concluded.

Author: Muhammad Suryadiningrat

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia

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