UNAIR Faculty of Law Student Wins First Place in National Debate Competition

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UNAIR FH Delegation, which a part of the Semi-Autonomous Society of Airlangga Young Juris, succeeded in winning first place of national debate competition organized by Universitas Parahyangan. (Personal Doc.)

UNAIR NEWS – Faculty of Law  (FH UNAIR) Universitas Airlangga Delegations, which is part of Airlangga Youth Jurisprudence Society (MYMA) Semi-Autonomous Body received the national achievement. FH UNAIR student won first place in the national debate competition held by Parahyangan University on 29 February.

Preparations carried out by a debate team consisting of Ezra Tambunan (2018), Ardiana Noventri (2018), Qana’ah Noor Maajid (2018), Rahajeng Dzakariyya Ikbar (2019), Ika Putri Rahayu (2019), Stefania Arshanty (2019) ate the Rahajeng Dzakariyya Ikbar (2019), Ika Putri Rahayu (2019), Stefania Arshanty (2019).

Ezra Tambunan, as Head of the Delegation revealed three preliminary motion rounds of the debate competition: Enforcement of Customary Laws in RKUHP, Elimination of Outsourcing Systems in the Manpower Act, and Blocking of Internet Access by the State in the Context of Counteracting Hoax, and Maintaining State Security. In the final round, Ratification of the Optional Protocol to the Convention Against Torture by Indonesian State.

He faced struggles in preparing for the debate competition. “We have to divide the time between lectures and debate preparation. Thus, I don’t have time to play because I have to prepare everything. “Ezra said.

“We are grateful to join the competition, get new insight, and we can bring our alma mater name on the national scene, “continued the fourth-semester student.

Ezra hopes that his team’s victory is not the end, but the beginning of other victories in the future.

“This is not the end, but the beginning of other victories. Hopefully, other FH students can bring achievements as well, “Ezra concluded. (*)

Author: Sugeng Andrean

Editor: Binti Q Masruroh

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