International Relations Student Wins Verbal Commendation Award in Malaysia

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UNAIR NEWS – Annisa Nadhifa Ramadhani, a student of International Relations (HI) Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) on February 15-18, 2020 followed Model United Nations (MUN). A total of 540 delegates from 56 countries in Asia, Europe, America and Oceania attended the Asia Youth International Model United Nations (AYIMUN) held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

MUN is a simulation of a session conducted by the United Nations (UN), where the trial simulation process is created in accordance with the situation and provisions carried out by the United Nations.

Each delegate was trained to become a diplomat at the meeting. A diplomatic duties include establish cooperation with other countries, block; run the diplomacy; and strategy with the aim of finding the best solution for a problem.

Annisa had the opportunity to become a representative from the World Health Organization (WHO). She said that mental health was the main discussion. Raising awareness of mental health, improving care and quality of diagnosis about mental health disorders and management in the economic and social sectors are the main topics discussed.

“I happen to be at the WHO council on the topic of mental health. Things discussed include how to increase awareness about mental health, improve care and quality of diagnosis, and its management in the economic and social sectors, ” she said.

Annisa also explained that in order to increase awareness about mental health, several programs need to be held to eradicate the paradigm about it. The suggested program is an education and seminar program, as well as the provision of procedures that can be used to improve the diagnosis and treatment of people with mental health disorders.

“A program must be put in place to eradicate the paradigm surrounding mental health. This program includes programs such as education and seminars as well as providing procedures needed to improve the diagnosis and treatment of diagnoses in people with mental health disorders, ” she said.

Meanwhile, to improve the diagnosis and treatment of patients with mental health disorders, community education efforts are needed to find out symptoms of mental health disorders as many people are not aware of the mental health disorders they suffer.

“Sometimes certain people are unaware of the mental health disorder they are suffering from. The community must be educated so that they can identify the characteristics of people with mental health disorders and recommend them to visit a psychiatrist, ” she explained.

Furthermore, another thing that needs to be done is to educate general practitioners to identify people with mental health disorders and recommend the community to seek treatment at a psychiatrist. Annisa successfully won the Verbal Commendation Delegate Award. She explained that the key to success in participating in the international event such as MUN is to speak English well, be confident, be assertive, be brave, be flexible, and be sociable.

Author: Icha Nur Imami Puspita

Editor: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i

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